[R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio - SOCP not available?
Corwin Joy
corwin.joy at gmail.com
Thu Dec 9 01:41:44 CET 2010
The method given by Diethelm Wuertz in the referenced post to obtain a
maximum return portfolio for a given level of risk works pretty well.
However, I found it useful to tune the optimizer parameter so that the
solver is only solving to the accuracy I need and not running for a long
time. Here is what this looks like:
# Portfolio solver using RSCOP. Adapted from solveRsocp to use control
parameters from portfolio spec
function (data, spec, constraints)
Data = portfolioData(data, spec)
trace = getTrace(spec)
if (trace)
cat("\nPortfolio Optimiziation:\n Using Rsocp ...\n\n")
nAssets = getNAssets(Data)
args <- .rsocpArguments(data, spec, constraints)
Control <- getControl(spec)
ans <- .rsocp(f = args$f, A = args$A, b = args$b, C = args$C,
d = args$d, N = args$N, targetRisk = args$targetRisk,
mu = args$mu, Scale = args$Scale, control = Control)
class(ans) = c("solveRfoo", "list")
# Compute weights to give maximum return for desired volatility
# Input
# rets: log-return history of assets to optimize as a time series object
# target_vol: target level for desired volatility, expressed as an
annualized volatility
# Return
# vector of weights to give maximum return given desired volatility
maxReturnGivenVol<-function(rets, target_vol)
setTargetRisk(portSpec) <- (target_vol / sqrt(12)) ^ 2
# Adjust accuracy to appropriate level
# setContol does not seem to be implemented
# setControl(portSpec) = .rsocpControl(abs.tol = 1e-5, rel.tol = 1e-4)
portSpec at optim$control <- .rsocpControl(abs.tol = 1e-5, rel.tol = 1e-4)
eff<-efficientPortfolio(data=rets, spec=portSpec, constraints="LongOnly")
# print(eff)
# weightsPieCutoff(eff) # Pie chart with min weight cutoff
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