[R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg Problem with bar
Daniel Probst
daniel.probst at web.de
Fri Sep 17 18:33:52 CEST 2010
Dear All,
I would greatly appreciate a pointer regarding some problems I am having with the "bar" function in RBloomberg. While, I have no problem with "tick" or "bdh" functions I cannot get the example under [http://www.findata.org/rbloomberg/examples/bar.R] to run.
The example code:
conn <- blpConnect()
bar(conn, "RYA ID Equity", "TRADE", "2010-03-01 09:00:00.000", "2010-03-01 15:00:00.000", "60")
gives output:
> library(RBloomberg)
> conn <- blpConnect()
R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31)
rJava Version 0.8-5
RBloomberg Version 0.4-142
Java environment initialized successfully.
Looking for most recent blpapi3.jar file...
Bloomberg API Version
> bar(conn, "RYA ID Equity", "TRADE", "2010-03-01 09:00:00.000", "2010-03-01 15:00:00.000", "60")
Fehler in process.result(result, "first.column") : Indizierung außerhalb der Grenzen
> bar(conn, "CO1 Comdty","PX_LAST", "2010-09-10 10:00:00.000","2010-09-10 10:01:00.000","1")
Fehler in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invokeMethod", cl, : com.bloomberglp.blpapi.InvalidConversionException: Cannot convert String to Enumeration
while bdh(conn,"CO1 Comdty","PX_LAST","20100801","20100901") works fine
Any ideas in which direction I should search for errors?
Many Thanks
Dan Probst
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