[R-SIG-Finance] !SPAM: Re: aligning xts object to regularly spaced time clock

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 06:52:01 CEST 2010

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:25 PM, Brian G. Peterson <brian at braverock.com> wrote:
> (to.period isn't the correct function for this)
> Typically, on tick data, I will use align.time to get everything on an even
> index, like seconds.  This will only align on a period where you have an
> observation, as you've noticed.

Here is an example using zoo and timeDate.  Most of this is just to
set up some test data and after that the last two lines do the real


# create a time series object

Lines <- 'date time SYMBOL EX  PRICE   SIZE    COND CR   G127
2010-01-04 09:30:01 "GE"   "T" "15.21" "67099" ""   " 0" "0"
2010-01-04 09:30:03 "GE"   "Z" "15.22" "100"   "F"  " 0" "0"
2010-01-04 09:30:06 "GE"   "P" "15.23" "3950"  "F"  " 0" "0"
2010-01-04 09:30:07 "GE"   "T" "15.24" "1500"  "F"  " 0" "0"
2010-01-04 09:30:08 "GE"   "D" "15.23" "8000"  "F"  " 0" "0"
2010-01-04 09:30:09 "GE"   "P" "15.23" "1300"  "F"  " 0" "0"
2010-01-04 09:30:10 "GE"   "Z" "15.22" "11800" "F"  " 0" "0"
2010-01-04 09:30:11 "GE"   "D" "15.22" "5000"  "F"  " 0" "0"
2010-01-04 09:30:13 "GE"   "Z" "15.22" "1200"  "F"  " 0" "0"
2010-01-04 09:30:14 "GE"   "N" "15.21" "11900" "F"  " 0" "0" '

DF <- read.table(textConnection(Lines), header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE)
tser <- timeSeries(DF[3:9], paste(DF$date, DF$time))

# convert to zoo getting rid of junk; keep timeDate class on index

z <- zoo(tser[, c(3:4, 6:7)], time(tser))

# - create 1 sec grid, g
# - merge series with zero width series based on g
# - carry observations forward into NAs that were created via na.locf
# - pick off the grid points, [g]
g <- seq(start(z), end(z), by = "sec")
na.locf(merge(z, zoo(, g)))[g]

Output looks like this:

                    PRICE SIZE  CR G127
2010-01-04 09:30:01 15.21 67099 0  0
2010-01-04 09:30:02 15.21 67099 0  0
2010-01-04 09:30:03 15.22   100 0  0
2010-01-04 09:30:04 15.22   100 0  0
2010-01-04 09:30:05 15.22   100 0  0
2010-01-04 09:30:06 15.23  3950 0  0
2010-01-04 09:30:07 15.24  1500 0  0
2010-01-04 09:30:08 15.23  8000 0  0
2010-01-04 09:30:09 15.23  1300 0  0
2010-01-04 09:30:10 15.22 11800 0  0
2010-01-04 09:30:11 15.22  5000 0  0
2010-01-04 09:30:12 15.22  5000 0  0
2010-01-04 09:30:13 15.22  1200 0  0

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