[R-SIG-Finance] Tests for TTR, and similar, packages

Jeff Ryan jeff.a.ryan at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 21:53:46 CET 2010


One of the chief advantages of open source is the ability to
scrutinize the code yourself.  This is miles ahead of anything a
closed solution could allow.  So you are ahead of the game already.
Of course you have to read the code...

Second advantage is that widely used packages (FREE makes many users)
get lots of eyeballs.  That isn't a guarantee of anything of course,
but it should add to your confidence.

The above said, OSS is OSS, without warranty expressed or implied OF ANY KIND.

Of course trust in anything is subject to doubt.  Compiler?  R?  OS?
Do you have ECC RAM? How's your data?

In a perfect world we of course would have perfect regression suites
that test all unknowns.
Clearly life isn't perfect.

What WOULD be valuable is the addition of YOUR tests.  So write some,
instead of asking, and contribute the second half of the puzzle to the

Thanks in advance!!

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Worik <worik.stanton at gmail.com> wrote:
> Are there any test sets that can be used with the TTR packages to verify they
> work as they should?
> I will be using them soon in some academic projects and the issue of
> reliability is weighing heavily on my mind.
> cheers
> Worik
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Jeffrey Ryan
jeffrey.ryan at insightalgo.com

ia: insight algorithmics

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