[R-SIG-Finance] 5th of month working day

Diethelm Wuertz wuertz at itp.phys.ethz.ch
Mon Jan 18 18:31:42 CET 2010

Since I do not understand Gabor's solution I add my suggestion to
solve the problem ...

 > require(timeSeries)
 > # Compose for 2006 a calendar with the first 5 days in each month:
 > years = rep(2006, times = 60)
 > months = rep(1:12, each = 5)
 > days = rep(1:5, times = 12)
 > tD = timeCalendar(years, months, days)
 > tD
 [1] [2006-01-01] [2006-01-02] [2006-01-03] [2006-01-04] [2006-01-05]
 [6] [2006-02-01] [2006-02-02] [2006-02-03] [2006-02-04] [2006-02-05]
[11] [2006-03-01] [2006-03-02] [2006-03-03] [2006-03-04] [2006-03-05]
[16] [2006-04-01] [2006-04-02] [2006-04-03] [2006-04-04] [2006-04-05]
[21] [2006-05-01] [2006-05-02] [2006-05-03] [2006-05-04] [2006-05-05]
[26] [2006-06-01] [2006-06-02] [2006-06-03] [2006-06-04] [2006-06-05]
[31] [2006-07-01] [2006-07-02] [2006-07-03] [2006-07-04] [2006-07-05]
[36] [2006-08-01] [2006-08-02] [2006-08-03] [2006-08-04] [2006-08-05]
[41] [2006-09-01] [2006-09-02] [2006-09-03] [2006-09-04] [2006-09-05]
[46] [2006-10-01] [2006-10-02] [2006-10-03] [2006-10-04] [2006-10-05]
[51] [2006-11-01] [2006-11-02] [2006-11-03] [2006-11-04] [2006-11-05]
[56] [2006-12-01] [2006-12-02] [2006-12-03] [2006-12-04] [2006-12-05]
 > # Then extract the Business days (not weekdays!) according
 > #   to a given holiday Calendar, here I used the NYSE holiday 
calendar for 2006
 > #   Note with Rmetrics you can create your own business calendars!
 > tM = matrix(as.integer(isBizday(tD, holidayNYSE(2006))), byrow = 
TRUE, ncol = 5)
 > rownames(tM) = paste(200600+1:12)
 > colnames(tM) = paste(1:5)
 > tM
       1 2 3 4 5
200601 0 0 1 1 1
200602 1 1 1 0 0
200603 1 1 1 0 0
200604 0 0 1 1 1
200605 1 1 1 1 1
200606 1 1 0 0 1
200607 0 0 1 0 1
200608 1 1 1 1 0
200609 1 0 0 0 1
200610 0 1 1 1 1
200611 1 1 1 0 0
200612 1 0 0 1 1
 > # Then isolate the 5th day of each month if this was a business day
 > #     otherwise the most recent business day before the 5th working
 > #     day for each month - this is what you want, or?
 > # Take care, there may be again holidays in between previous working
 > #     days!! Here they are handled properly.
 > tW = t(apply(tM, 1, cumsum))[,5:1]
 > tW
       5 4 3 2 1
200601 3 2 1 0 0
200602 3 3 3 2 1
200603 3 3 3 2 1
200604 3 2 1 0 0
200605 5 4 3 2 1
200606 3 2 2 2 1
200607 2 1 1 0 0
200608 4 4 3 2 1
200609 2 1 1 1 1
200610 4 3 2 1 0
200611 3 3 3 2 1
200612 3 2 1 1 1
 > tIndex = which(t(tW) == 1)
 > # After having the Index, you can get the timeDate objects for 2006
 > tD[tIndex]
 [1] [2006-01-03] [2006-02-05] [2006-03-05] [2006-04-03] [2006-05-05]
 [6] [2006-06-05] [2006-07-02] [2006-07-03] [2006-08-05] [2006-09-02]
[11] [2006-09-03] [2006-09-04] [2006-09-05] [2006-10-04] [2006-11-05]
[16] [2006-12-03] [2006-12-04] [2006-12-05]
 > # and finally index your time series with the timeDate objects.
 > # Isn't it powerful to use timeDate and timeSeries objects?

Exercise: write a small function to extract the n-th business day for
each month of a timeDate calendar object given a specific holiday Calendar

enjoy Rmetrics!


PS: I found this example really nice to show what timeDate and timeSeries
methods can do for you, I will add this example to the FAQ's in the next
edition of our timeSeries FAQ e-book: http://www.rmetrics.org/node/8


Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 9:54 AM, Research <risk2009 at ath.forthnet.gr> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a daily data zoo object with  prices such as:
>> 05/04/2006      1311.56
>> 06/04/2006      1309.04
>> 07/04/2006      1295.5
>> 10/04/2006      1296.6
>> 11/04/2006      1286.57
>> 12/04/2006      1288.12
>> 13/04/2006      1289.12
>> 14/04/2006      1289.12
>> 17/04/2006      1285.33
>> 18/04/2006      1307.65
>> 19/04/2006      1309.93
>> 20/04/2006      1311.46
>> 21/04/2006      1311.28
>> 24/04/2006      1308.11
>> 25/04/2006      1301.74
>> 26/04/2006      1305.41
>> 27/04/2006      1309.72
>> 28/04/2006      1310.61
>> 01/05/2006      1305.19
>> 02/05/2006      1313.21
>> 03/05/2006      1307.85
>> 04/05/2006      1312.25
>> 05/05/2006      1325.76
>> How can I isolate the 5th day of each month (if this was a
>> working/trading day) otherwise the most recent (before the 5th) working
>> day for each month?
> Your sample data always has the 5th of the month filled in but
> assuming that that is not the case for the real data, merge your
> series with a zero width series having every date and use na.locf to
> move values up into subsequent NAs.  Then just pick off the 5th of
> each month.
> Lines <- "05/04/2006      1311.56
> 06/04/2006      1309.04
> 07/04/2006      1295.5
> 10/04/2006      1296.6
> 11/04/2006      1286.57
> 12/04/2006      1288.12
> 13/04/2006      1289.12
> 14/04/2006      1289.12
> 17/04/2006      1285.33
> 18/04/2006      1307.65
> 19/04/2006      1309.93
> 20/04/2006      1311.46
> 21/04/2006      1311.28
> 24/04/2006      1308.11
> 25/04/2006      1301.74
> 26/04/2006      1305.41
> 27/04/2006      1309.72
> 28/04/2006      1310.61
> 01/05/2006      1305.19
> 02/05/2006      1313.21
> 03/05/2006      1307.85
> 04/05/2006      1312.25
> 05/05/2006      1325.76"
> library(zoo)
> z <- read.zoo(textConnection(Lines), format = "%d/%m/%Y")
> rng <- range(time(z))
> zz <- na.locf(merge(z, zoo(, seq(rng[1], rng[2], by = "day"))))
> zz[format(time(zz), "%d") == "05"]
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