[R-SIG-Finance] Possible enhancement to volatility in TTR

Joshua Ulrich josh.m.ulrich at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 03:36:21 CEST 2009

Changes have been made on r-forge.


On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Cedrick Johnson
<cedrick at cedrickjohnson.com> wrote:
> Hi Josh-
> No worries! The approach you outlined below works out well and I think would
> be a great addition to TTR.
> The exercise has definitely taught me a few new things in R that will
> greatly clean up my scripts! Thanks everyone!
> -cedrick
> Joshua Ulrich wrote:
> Hi Cedrick,
> Sorry for the slow response.  How about this quick change to
> TTR::volatility() and the code below?  I agree that OHLC should be
> allowed to be univariate in the case of calc="close".  I'm hesitant to
> add the other logic though, since the same results can be achieved
> with an external call to apply() -- see below.
> volatility3 <-
> function (OHLC, n = 10, N = 260, calc = "close", ...)
> {
> <snip>
>     if (calc == "close") {
>         # Add univariate case for calc="close"
>         if (NCOL(OHLC) == 1) {
>             r <- ROC(OHLC, 1, ...)
>         } else {
>             r <- ROC(OHLC[, 4], 1, ...)
>         }
>         rBar <- runSum(r, n - 1)/(n - 1)
>         s <- sqrt(N/(n - 2) * runSum((r - rBar)^2, n - 1))
>     }
> <snip>
>     reclass(s, OHLC)
> }
> Then you can get pretty volatilities via a command like:
> require(xts)
> data(sample_matrix)
> # Pretty volatility (note "v" will always be a matrix, even if OHLC is xts)
> v <- round(apply(sample_matrix, 2, volatility3)*100,0)
> tail(v)
>            Open High Low Close
> 2007-06-25    6    5   5     6
> 2007-06-26    6    6   6     6
> 2007-06-27    6    6   6     6
> 2007-06-28    6    5   6     5
> 2007-06-29    5    5   6     5
> 2007-06-30    5    5   6     5
> tail( volatility3(sample_matrix)*100 )
>                [,1]
> 2007-06-25 5.656552
> 2007-06-26 5.729933
> 2007-06-27 5.732217
> 2007-06-28 4.771530
> 2007-06-29 4.764216
> 2007-06-30 4.818589
> HTH,
> Josh
> --
> http://www.fosstrading.com
> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Cedrick Johnson
> <cedrick at cedrickjohnson.com> wrote:
> As promised, here's my attempt at incorporating it into the original
> volatility() function (for the sake of testing, I've renamed the new
> function volatility2(..). Thanks to Murali for the suggestion to use
> apply.rolling, I've added in a few new variables in the function definition.
> So far it seems to work well here.
> volatility2 <- function (OHLC, n = 10, N = 260, calc = "close",
> roundValue=FALSE, roundNum=2, normalize=FALSE, nonOHLC=FALSE, ...)
> {
>     if (nonOHLC == FALSE) {
>         OHLC <- try.xts(OHLC, error = as.matrix)
>         calc <- match.arg(calc, c("close", "garman.klass", "parkinson",
>             "rogers.satchell"))
>         if (calc == "close") {
>          r <- ROC(OHLC[, 4], 1, ...)
>             rBar <- runSum(r, n - 1)/(n - 1)
>             s <- sqrt(N/(n - 2) * runSum((r - rBar)^2, n - 1))
>         }
>         if (calc == "garman.klass") {
>             s <- sqrt(N/n * runSum(0.5 * log(OHLC[, 2]/OHLC[, 3])^2 -
>                 (2 * log(2) - 1) * log(OHLC[, 4]/OHLC[, 1])^2, n))
>         }
>         if (calc == "parkinson") {
>             s <- sqrt(N/(4 * n * log(2)) * runSum(log(OHLC[, 2]/OHLC[,
>                 3])^2, n))
>         }
>         if (calc == "rogers.satchell") {
>             s <- sqrt(N/n * runSum(log(OHLC[, 2]/OHLC[, 4]) * log(OHLC[,
>                 2]/OHLC[, 1]) + log(OHLC[, 3]/OHLC[, 4]) * log(OHLC[,
>                 3]/OHLC[, 1]), n))
>         }
>     } else {
>     #still using the OHLC object, since this is indeed a matrix
>     # diff(log(OHLC)) provides the same output as ROC(x,1) so we should be
> goog. Thanks to Murali Menon
>     # for the suggested use of apply.rolling
>     s <- apply.rolling(R = diff(log(OHLC)), width=n, FUN="sd", na.pad=FALSE)
> * sqrt(N)
>     }
>     if (roundValue == TRUE) {
>     s <- round(s, roundNum)
>     }
>     if (normalize == TRUE) {
>     s <- s * 100
>     }
>     reclass(s, OHLC)
> }
> Cedrick Johnson wrote:
> Howdy-
> I came up with some code that has served me well, perhaps if anyone runs
> into the problem of needing to calculate historical volatility(close) on a
> non-OHLC series (or a bunch of "univariate" series stored in a matrix):
>            US2Y US5Y US10Y US30Y UKG5 UKG10 USSP2 USSP5 USSP10 USSP30
> 2009-01-02 0.88 1.72  2.46  2.83 2.67  3.36  1.50  2.17   2.61   2.78
> 2009-01-05 0.78 1.67  2.49  3.00 2.75  3.47  1.60  2.31   2.82   3.03
> 2009-01-06 0.80 1.68  2.51  3.04 2.79  3.57  1.55  2.34   2.88   3.18
> 2009-01-07 0.82 1.66  2.52  3.05 2.80  3.60  1.44  2.16   2.69   2.99
> ....
> blahblah..
> I adapted the code to use 'close' from Josh Ulrich's volatility function
> (since all of these are closing prices), and here's my result:
> volatility.matrix <- function(Matrix, n = 10, N = 252, pretty=TRUE, ...) {
>     volm <- Matrix
>     for(i in 1:ncol(Matrix)) {
>         r <- ROC(Matrix[,i], 1,...)
>         rBar <- runSum(r, n -1)/(n - 1)
>         s <- sqrt(N/(n - 2) * runSum((r - rBar)^2, n - 1))
>         #because i like to make it pretty
>         volm[,i] <- round(s,2) * 100
>     }
>     volm <- na.omit(volm)
>     reclass(volm, Matrix)
> }
> The Result:
> volatility.matrix(Yields, n=30)
>            US2Y US5Y US10Y US30Y UKG5 UKG10 USSP2 USSP5 USSP10 USSP30
> 2009-03-24  116  110    73    45   54    57    67    65     60     51
> 2009-03-25  115  112    75    46   51    55    67    65     60     51
> 2009-03-26  114  110    74    44   50    55    65    64     60     50
> 2009-03-27  114  110    74    44   50    55    67    64     60     51
> 2009-03-30  111  104    68    39   52    55    67    63     58     51
> 2009-03-31  107  100    68    39   51    55    67    63     58     50
> 2009-04-01  107  100    67    38   51    54    67    62     57     49
> 2009-04-02  107  100    67    37   58    57    65    61     56     48
> ......
> What I get is a nice matrix of volatilities in a pretty format (rounded,
> etc.)
> I'll give it a shot tonight trying to implement it into the current
> volatility function, however I'm sure the code that I have here could be
> done better.
> Regards,
> c
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