[R-SIG-Finance] error in plot() with fGarch object from saved .RData file

Yohan Chalabi chalabi at phys.ethz.ch
Tue Jul 28 23:18:45 CEST 2009

>>>> "BGP" == "Brian G. Peterson" <brian at braverock.com>
>>>> on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 15:06:16 -0500

   BGP> Thanks.  I also suspected this, and made sure that
   BGP> require(fGarch')
   BGP> was called before I tried to plot.  Also, as I said, I can
   BGP> call the
   BGP> private .plot.garch.#() functions directly.
   BGP> > class(gf)
   BGP> [1] fGARCH
   BGP> attr(,package)
   BGP> [1] fGarch
   BGP> looks OK
   BGP> Does anybody know how to debug S4 method dispatch (sorry this
   BGP> is not
   BGP> strictly finance, but fGarch clearly is)?

It looks like a NAMESPACE problem in 'fGarch' v2100.78. Although the
method is exported in the NAMESPACE, it does not appear after loading
the package...

But it works fine with the dev-version which is on R-forge.

Until we upload the new version to CRAN, you could explicitly add
in the workspace the method as defined in fGarch/pkg/method-plot.R and
save it with your 'gf' object.


PhD student
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology


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