[R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod - chartSeries

Andreas Johansson Andreas.Johansson at mbamfunds.com
Fri Mar 20 16:36:53 CET 2009


am using chartSeries to create a set of charts that I output to pdf in a loop. Works fine but have encountered a problem. If I want to loop over a call like

for (i=1:10){
                chartSeries(Data,TA='addTA(as.Date(index(Data))<as.Date("2009-02-02))',border=NA,col='#888888' )

I cannot do it as chartSeires complains that object Data does not exist

does not complain if I do
for (i=1:10){
                addTA(as.Date(index(Data))<as.Date("2009-02-02))',border=NA,col='#888888' )

Is there a way of making the call to chart series in one go and referencing to Data in the addTA function?

If I run Data=getSymbols(ID[i]) and  then  chartSeries(Data,TA='addTA(as.Date(index(Data))<as.Date("2009-02-02))',border=NA,col='#888888' ) in the console it works fine.



Andreas Johansson
Quantitative Analyst

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