[R-SIG-Finance] New Site using R for Financial Models

Joshua Kramer josh at globalherald.net
Wed Mar 18 15:58:20 CET 2009


I apologize ahead of time if this is not the correct venue for this.  I 
would like to introduce a site I have created for financial managers to 
assist their clients in managing relationships with their banks.  The site 
uses R to run financial models on bank data that is publicly available in 
the U.S.

The site is currently in beta.  It might return an error... I am using 
rPy, and for some reason, in long-running rPy processes the Unix socket 
between Python and R gets stale and throws an exception.

Please tell me what you think:


-Joshua Kramer


GlobalHerald.NET, the Smarter Social Network! (tm)

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