[R-SIG-Finance] implement quasi-bayesian maximum likelihood estimation for normal mixtures
Helena Richter
helenar at gmx.de
Sat Feb 28 12:41:32 CET 2009
as you can see in the topic, I am trying to fit a normal mixture
distribution with the approach suggested by Hamilton (1991). Since I
couldn't find any existing packages including the quasi-bayesian mle, I
have to write my own function. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no
experience in doing this.
If you're not familiar with the QB-MLE, I attached the formula as pdf.
The idea is to extend the usual MLE with prior beliefs about the values
sigma_n and sigma_b. My priors are already included in the code below. I
intend to try a mixture of two normal distributions with same mean, and
variances 1 and 5 as starting values.
This is what I've done so far:
> R <-read.table("C:\\...\\rendite.txt", header=F)
> qbmle <- function(p, data){
mu <- mean(data);
- 2.772/p[2]^2 - 13.86/p[3]^2 )}
> start <-c(0.9, 1, 5)
> out <- nlm(qbmle, start, data=R)
The result is: error in nlm(...): non-finite value for nlm, plus a lot
of warnings, and the following output:
> out
[1] -27513.60
[1] 3.478212e+04 -2.146767e+03 -3.806269e-02
[1] -5.971628e-02 1.939856e-03 -2.946156e+02
[1] 5
[1] 49
So, what did I do wrong? How can I implement any non-negative
constraints, and a restriction for p to be between 0 and 1?
I'm sorry to bother you with such a beginners question and am very
helpful for any remarks. I don't have to use the qb-mle so if you think
there's a better way to do the estimation tell me.
Thanks a lot,
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