[R-SIG-Finance] London useR group

Francisco Gochez fgochez at mango-solutions.com
Tue Feb 24 18:12:11 CET 2009


Mango Solutions are pleased to announce the first meeting of the London
useR Group. 

Date:                                Tuesday 31st March

Time:                                4pm to 7pm 

Venue:                              The Wall

45 Old Broad St



Tel 020 7588 4845

Speakers will include

*	David Jessop            UBS 
*	Markus Gesmann       Lloyd's of London 
*	Pat Burns                Burns Statistics 
*	Rory Winston           The Research kitchen Ltd 

This is a great opportunity to meet and mingle with other R users in the
London area. Please send an email to marketing at mango-solutions.com
<mailto:marketing at mango-solutions.com>  to reserve your seat or to
request any further information. 

We will be seeking to make the meeting a regular affair and would
welcome ideas on structure and topics to be covered.


Kind regards


*	mango solutions  
*	Tel   +44 (0)1249 767700 
*	Mob +44 (0)7966 062462  
*	Fax  +44 (0)1249 767707 

        data analysis that delivers

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