[R-SIG-Finance] quantmod, getSymbols, csv

John P. Burkett burkett at uri.edu
Thu Jul 17 18:10:54 CEST 2008

Making a first attempt use quantmod's getSymbols to load data from a 
.csv file, I have encountered a puzzling error message.
The response to
getSymbols("CREFglobaleq", from="1992-05-01", to="2008-06-30", src="csv")
Error in fromchar(x) :
   character string is not in a standard unambiguous format

My basic problem is ignorance about what is acceptable as "a standard 
unambiguous format."  Explanations or references to documentation would 
be greatly appreciated.

The first few rows of my CREFglobaleq.csv file read as follows:
fund     ,  price  ,  date      ,  id
CREFglob , 25.8429 , 1992-05-01 , 199205
CREFglob , 25.9774 , 1992-05-04 , 199205
CREFglob , 25.9964 , 1992-05-05 , 199205   	
CREFglob , 26.2335 , 1992-05-06 , 199205
CREFglob , 26.3368 , 1992-05-07 , 199205

Best regards,

John P. Burkett
Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
and Department of Economics
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881-0808

phone (401) 874-9195

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