[R-SIG-Finance] [R-sig-finance] chart.Histogram differences between PerformanceAnalytics 9.5 and 9.6

Peter Carl peter at braverock.com
Mon Jun 30 05:32:14 CEST 2008

On Saturday 23 February 2008 1:10:12 pm EdNel wrote:
> I've encountered two differences between versions 9.5 and 9.6 in the
> results I get for of the chart.Histogram function :
> i) The y axis (density) limits are fixed at 0,10 but they used to follow
> the default behaviour of the plot function and adjust to accomodate the
> maximum value
> ii) I get lots of warnings like this :
> "In VaR.CornishFisher(x, p = p) :
>   Cornish-Fisher Expansion produces unreliable result (risk over 100%) for
> column: 1 : 6.21173467258483"
> I assume the function is calculating VaRs though (methods =
> c("add.density","add.centered")), I'm not actually using them.
> Are these bugs or are there parameters I can change to get the 9.5
> behaviour back?
> Thanks.

Despite the fact that this message got plugged in the pipe for a while, it's 
still worth pointing out a couple of things.  First, if you have a question 
on the PerformanceAnalytics package, please feel free to send it to Brian 
(who is listed as the maintainer in the package documentation).  We value 
your feedback and will always try to respond in a timely fashion.

Second, the warnings you got were likely because you were representing the 
return data as percentages (6.01%) rather than decimals (.0601).

The y-axis behavior in 0.9.6 isn't ideal, and I've had a fix for it waiting 
for release 0.9.7 (which should be released in the next couple of weeks).  
I've attached the function below.  The behavior of the y-axis should be 
better now, but let either of us know if you feel otherwise.


Peter Carl
145 Scottswood Rd
Riverside, IL 60546
312 307 6346
-------------- next part --------------
`chart.Histogram` <-
function(R, breaks="FD", main = NULL, xlab = "Returns", ylab = "Frequency", methods = c("none","add.density", "add.normal", "add.centered", "add.cauchy", "add.sst", "add.rug", "add.risk", "add.qqplot"), show.outliers = TRUE, colorset = c("lightgray", "#00008F", "#005AFF", "#23FFDC", "#ECFF13", "#FF4A00", "#800000"), border.col = "white", lwd = 2, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, elementcolor="gray", note.lines = NULL, note.labels = NULL, note.cex = 0.7, note.color = "darkgray", probability = FALSE, p=0.99, ...)
{ # @author Peter Carl


    # Create a histogram of returns, with optional curve fits for density
    # and normal

    # Inputs:
    # R = usually a set of monthly return

    # Code inspired by a chart on:
    # http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/03.html

    y = checkData(R)
    x = checkData(na.omit(y[,1]), method="vector")

    columns = ncol(y)
    rows = nrow(y)
    columnnames = colnames(y)
    rangedata = 0

        main = columnnames[1]

    if(is.null(methods) || methods[1]=="none"){
        methods = NULL

#     xlim = range(qnorm(0.001, mean(x), stdev(x)), qnorm(0.999, mean(x), stdev(x)), note.lines, b)
        rangedata = c(min(x),max(x))
        rangedata =  c(qnorm(0.001, mean(x), sd(x)), qnorm(0.999, mean(x), sd(x)))
    if(!is.null(note.lines)) {
        rangedata = c(rangedata,note.lines)

    if("add.risk" %in% method){
        b = c(-VaR.CornishFisher(x,p=p),-VaR.traditional(x,p=p))
        b.labels = c(paste(p*100,"% ModVaR",sep=" "),paste(p*100,"% VaR",sep=""))
        rangedata = c(rangedata,b)

    yrange = 0

        xlim = range(rangedata)

     s = seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = 500)
#     s = seq(min(x, na.rm=TRUE), max(x, na.rm=TRUE), length = 500)

    # Things to do before the plot is drawn
    for (method in methods) {
            add.density = {
                # Show density estimate
                den = density(x, n=length(x))
                 probability = TRUE
            add.stable = {
                stopifnot("package:fBasics" %in% search() || require("fBasics",quietly=TRUE))
                fit.stable = stableFit(x,doplot = FALSE)
                fitted.stable = dstable(s,alpha = fit.stable at fit$estimate[[1]], beta = fit.stable at fit$estimate[[2]], gamma = fit.stable at fit$estimate[[3]], delta = fit.stable at fit$estimate[[4]], pm = 0)
                # look at documentation for pm
                probability = TRUE
            add.cauchy = {
                # requires library(MASS)
                stopifnot("package:MASS" %in% search() || require("MASS",quietly=TRUE))

                # This uses a Maximum Likelihood method as shown on:
                # Wessa P., (2006), Maximum-likelihood Cauchy Distribution Fitting (v1.0.0) in
                # Free Statistics Software (v1.1.21-r4), Office for Research Development and
                # Education, URL http://www.wessa.net/rwasp_fitdistrcauchy.wasp/
                fit = fitdistr(x, 'cauchy')
                xlab = paste("Cauchy (location = ",round(fit$estimate[[1]],2),", scale = ",round(fit$estimate[[2]],2),")", sep="")
                fitted.cauchy = dcauchy(s,location = fit$estimate[[1]], scale = fit$estimate[[2]], log = FALSE)
                probability = TRUE
            add.sst = {
#               requires library(sn)
                stopifnot("package:sn" %in% search() || require("sn",quietly=TRUE))

                fit = st.mle(y=x)
                fitted.sst = dst(s, location = fit$dp[[1]], scale = fit$dp[[2]], shape = fit$dp[[3]], df=fit$dp[[4]], log = FALSE)
                probability = TRUE
            add.lnorm = {
                fit = fitdistr(1+x,'log-normal')
                fitted.lnorm = dlnorm(1+s, meanlog = fit$estimate[[1]], sdlog = fit$estimate[[2]], log = FALSE)
                probability = TRUE
            add.normal = {
                fitted.normal = dnorm(s, mean(x), sd(x))
                probability = TRUE
            add.centered = {
                fitted.centered = dnorm(s, 0, sd(x))
                probability = TRUE
            add.risk = {

    # Draw the plot
    if(probability == TRUE) maxyhist = max(hist(x, breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE)$density)
    else maxyhist = max(hist(x, breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE)$count)
    yrange = c(yrange, maxyhist*1.1)
    ylim = c(0,ceiling(max(yrange)))

    hist(x = x, probability = probability, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = colorset[1], border = border.col, xlab = xlab, main = main, breaks = breaks, axes = FALSE, ...)
    axis(1, col = elementcolor)
    axis(2, col = elementcolor)


    # Things to do after the plot is drawn
    for (method in methods) {
            add.density = {
                # Show density estimate
                lines(den, col = colorset[2], lwd = lwd)
            add.normal = {
                # Show normal distribution around the mean
                lines(s, fitted.normal, col = colorset[3], lwd = lwd)
            add.centered = {
                # Show normal distribution around 0
                lines(s, fitted.centered, col = colorset[3], lwd = lwd)
            add.lnorm = {
                # Show normal distribution around the mean
                lines(s, fitted.lnorm, col = colorset[4], lwd = lwd)
            add.cauchy = {
                lines(s, fitted.cauchy, col = colorset[4], lwd=lwd)
            add.stable = {
                lines(s, fitted.stable, col = colorset[4], lwd=lwd)
            add.sst = { #requires package sn
                lines(s, fitted.sst, col = colorset[4], lwd=lwd)
            add.rug = {
                rug(x, col = elementcolor)
            add.risk = {
                h = rep(.2*par("usr")[3] + 1*par("usr")[4], length(b))
#                points(b, h, type='h', col='red',lwd=3)
#                points(b, h, col='red', lwd=3)
                abline(v = b, col = "darkgray", lty=2)
                text(b, h, b.labels, offset = .2, pos = 2, cex = 0.8, srt=90)
             add.qqplot = {
                op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
                op1 <- par(fig=c(.02,.5,.5,.98), new=TRUE)
                qqnorm(x, xlab="", ylab="", main="", axes=FALSE, pch=".",col=colorset[2])
                qqline(x, col=colorset[3])
        ) # end switch
    } # end for

    # Draw and label arbitrary lines
    if(!is.null(note.lines)) {
        #number.note.labels = ((length(note.labels)-length(note.ind) + 1):length(note.labels))

        abline(v = note.lines, col = note.color, lty = 2)
        if(!is.null(note.labels)) {
            h = rep(.2*par("usr")[3] + 0.99*par("usr")[4], length(b))
            text(note.lines, h, note.labels, offset = .2, pos = 2, cex = note.cex, srt = 90, col = note.color)

#                 abline(v = b, col = "darkgray", lty=2)
#                 text(b, h, b.labels, offset = .2, pos = 2, cex = 0.8, srt=90)


# R (http://r-project.org/) Econometrics for Performance and Risk Analysis
# Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Peter Carl and Brian G. Peterson
# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id: chart.Histogram.R,v 1.35 2008-06-30 03:10:57 peter Exp $
# $Log: chart.Histogram.R,v $
# Revision 1.35  2008-06-30 03:10:57  peter
# - VaR not calculated without 'add.risk' method
# - x-axis correctly adjusted with 'add.risk' method
# - chart reset correctly after 'qq.plot' method
# Revision 1.34  2008-06-26 02:00:01  peter
# - changed 'stdev' to 'sd'
# Revision 1.32  2008-06-23 02:35:10  peter
# - added note line text size attribute
# - added check for 'sn' library
# Revision 1.31  2008-06-02 16:05:19  brian
# - update copyright to 2004-2008
# Revision 1.30  2008/01/15 21:06:13  peter
# - fixed ylim for probability T or F
# Revision 1.28  2007/12/29 19:25:09  brian
# - minor changes to pass R CMD check
# Revision 1.27  2007/12/27 20:11:19  peter
# - fixed F for FALSE in function call
# Revision 1.24  2007/11/23 04:28:01  peter
# - added margin to histogram bars for ylim
# Revision 1.17  2007/11/19 03:40:46  peter
# - smoothed out the density line for smaller data sets
# - added parameter for showing all data points rather than center
# Revision 1.16  2007/09/26 03:33:12  peter
# - no longer clobbers xlim when passed in from function
# Revision 1.14  2007/09/18 03:24:07  peter
# - default for methods is now NULL
# Revision 1.13  2007/09/14 02:04:56  peter
# - commented need for adding MASS as a dependency
# Revision 1.12  2007/08/24 04:02:51  peter
# - labels now work for note.lines
# Revision 1.11  2007/08/24 03:54:54  peter
# - added arbitrary lines and labels
# - labeling doesn't work yet
# Revision 1.10  2007/08/24 03:18:08  peter
# - added cauchy fit
# Revision 1.9  2007/08/24 01:43:04  peter
# - beautified format of vertical lines for add.risk
# Revision 1.8  2007/06/17 21:42:34  brian
# - update /usage and /items to pass check
# Revision 1.7  2007/06/07 23:42:00  brian
# - add comments
# Revision 1.6  2007/04/30 12:51:38  peter
# - fixed F instead of FALSE error
# Revision 1.5  2007/04/27 03:25:00  peter
# - added risk lines
# Revision 1.4  2007/04/27 03:08:22  peter
# - added switch
# - added qqchart
# - added rug
# Revision 1.3  2007/04/15 12:56:04  brian
# - add breaks as an explicit parameter
# Revision 1.2  2007/02/07 13:24:49  brian
# - fix pervasive comment typo
# Revision 1.1  2007/02/02 19:06:15  brian
# - Initial Revision of packaged files to version control
# Bug 890

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