[R-SIG-Finance] Rbloomberg problem

Jorge Nieves jorge.nieves at moorecap.com
Thu May 8 17:44:23 CEST 2008

 Thank you...

I just re-run them now and obtained the same results.. What version of R
are you using?

-----Original Message-----
From: r-sig-finance-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch
[mailto:r-sig-finance-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch] On Behalf Of Ana Nelson
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 11:40 AM
To: r-sig-finance at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Rbloomberg problem

Hi, Jorge,

Was the market actually open for the time period you requested? I've
just run those queries and they are working fine for me.

Will you try this again making sure the market you are querying is open
and let me know if it works for you?


2008/5/8 Jorge Nieves <jorge.nieves at moorecap.com>:

> Hi,
> I am new R user and have been trying to properly configure an R 
> working environment.  I  have it up and ruining except for the
> I tried running the examples in the documentation. And encountered  
> into several issues:  First, R2.5.1 was crashing and I could never 
> understand why. I installed the latest release R 2.7.0 and was 
> eventually able to run only tow of the examples from  
> blpGetData(RBloomberg)
> The intraday "Intraday bars" and the "Tick-by-tick" examples do not
> I am wondering if (1) made a mistake in the set up? Or (2) there is a 
> problem here with R 2.7.0 too.
> Currently using
> Package:       RBloomberg
> Version:       0.1-10
> Date:          2006-05-04
> Built:         R 2.5.1; ; 2007-07-22 18:19:52; windows
> Usinga lso 'RDCOMClient' version 0.92-0
> Any recommendatiosn?
> blpGetData(RBloomberg) examples.
> library(RBloomberg)
> .bbfields <- blpReadFields("C:/Program Files/blp/API")
> ## Not run:
> conn <- blpConnect()
> ## Snapshot
> eda <- blpGetData(conn, c("ED5 Comdty","ED6 Comdty","ED7 Comdty",
> "ED8 Comdty"), "BID")
> eda
> ## Historical (last 30 days)
> edb <- blpGetData(conn, "ED1 Comdty", "PX_LAST",
> start=as.chron(Sys.time() - 86400 * 30)) edb
> ## Intraday bars (last hour in 2 min bars) edc <- blpGetData(conn, 
> "ED1 Comdty", c("BID","ASK"),
> start=as.chron(Sys.time() - 3600), barfields="OPEN", barsize=2) edc
> ## Tick-by-tick (3 minutes starting an hour ago) edd <- 
> blpGetData(conn, "ED1 Comdty", c("BID"),
> start=as.chron(Sys.time() - 3600),
> end=as.chron(Sys.time() - 3420), barsize=0) edd
> blpDisconnect(conn)
> ## End(Not run)
> Output
> > .bbfields <- blpReadFields("C:/Program Files/blp/API")
> >
> > ## Not run:
> > conn <- blpConnect()
> >
> > ## Snapshot
> > eda <- blpGetData(conn, c("ED5 Comdty","ED6 Comdty","ED7 Comdty",
> + "ED8 Comdty"), "BID")
> > eda
>              BID
> ED5 COMDTY 96.860
> ED6 COMDTY 96.680
> ED7 COMDTY 96.475
> ED8 COMDTY 96.330
> >
> > ## Historical (last 30 days)
> > edb <- blpGetData(conn, "ED1 Comdty", "PX_LAST",
> + start=as.chron(Sys.time() - 86400 * 30))
> > edb
>         PX_LAST
> 04/08/08  97.530
> 04/09/08  97.545
> 04/10/08  97.500
> 04/11/08  97.540
> 04/14/08  97.495
> 04/15/08  97.440
> 04/16/08  97.290
> 04/17/08  97.120
> 04/18/08  97.090
> 04/21/08  97.125
> 04/22/08  97.125
> 04/23/08  97.135
> 04/24/08  97.145
> 04/25/08  97.135
> 04/28/08  97.195
> 04/29/08  97.245
> 04/30/08  97.325
> 05/01/08  97.330
> 05/02/08  97.365
> 05/05/08  97.350
> 05/06/08  97.365
> 05/07/08  97.365
> 05/08/08  97.395
> >
> > ## Intraday bars (last hour in 2 min bars) edc <- blpGetData(conn, 
> > "ED1 Comdty", c("BID","ASK"),
> + start=as.chron(Sys.time() - 3600), barfields="OPEN", barsize=2)
> > edc
>                    BID.OPEN ASK.OPEN
> (05/08/08 09:26:21)       NA       NA
> >
> > ## Tick-by-tick (3 minutes starting an hour ago) edd <- 
> > blpGetData(conn, "ED1 Comdty", c("BID"),
> + start=as.chron(Sys.time() - 3600),
> + end=as.chron(Sys.time() - 3420), barsize=0)
> > edd
> Error in substr(text, first, last) : invalid substring argument(s)
> >
> > blpDisconnect(conn)
>         used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
> Ncells 291899  7.8     531268 14.2   408779 11.0
> Vcells 610228  4.7    1151091  8.8  1151024  8.8
> > ## End(Not run)
> >
> > help(blpDisconnect)
> >
> Jorge Nieves
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