[R-SIG-Finance] fGarch predict

babel at centrum.sk babel at centrum.sk
Sat Feb 16 11:55:13 CET 2008

I want to predict the future values of time series with Garch
When I specified my model like this:
ret <- diff(log(x))*100
fit = garchFit(~arma(1,0,0)+garch(1, 1), data =ret)
predict(fit, n.ahead = 10)

 meanForecast  meanError standardDeviation
1    0.01371299 0.03086350        0.03305819
2    0.01211893 0.03094519        0.03350248

I know that if I use fit = garchFit(~garch(1, 1), data =ret) I  got constant mean, so trherefore I include amra term to move with mean

Iam not sure what values are hiding in this output. 
1. Does menForecast hold my future predicted values?
2.Or I am able to just compute the confidence intervals for my prediction like meanForecast +-2*standardDeviation  ??
3Or I need to compute the future values like yt=meanForecast+meanError*sqrt(standardDeviation)  ???
My return looks like standard return series with plus and minus values, 
[748,]  0.008184311  
[749,]  0.024548914  
[750,] -0.008182302

so I hope I would get similar prediction to this return, not just a postive mean constant.Sorry,  I know that Garch models are for volatility modelling, but I still doesnt find how to use that volatility for forecasting future values. Short example with 5 step ahead prediction will surely help.
Thank you

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