[R-SIG-Finance] Réf. : Re: Importing from Excel

guillaume.nicoulaud at halbis.com guillaume.nicoulaud at halbis.com
Tue Feb 5 08:33:06 CET 2008


Here my modest contribution (not sure it will actually solve the issue).
Comments are welcome !


# ############################################################################
# ############################################################################

# Description
# Functions to manipulate Excel from R.

# Author:        Guillaume Nicoulaud
# Date:          2008-02-05
# Version:       2
# Requirements:  rcom

# Contents
# xlStart --------- Creates a COM object against Excel's API
# xlIsRunning ----- Checks if Excel is running
# xlStop ---------- Removes the COM object (does not always shut Excel down)
# xlVisible ------- Set or get Excel's 'Visible' property
# xlAddWorkbook --- Add a new workbook
# xlIsWorkbook ---- Checks if an R object refers to a workbook
# xlCloseWorkbook - Closes a workbook
# xlOpenWorkbook -- Opens a workbook
# xlPutArray ------ Writes an R array in Excel
# xlRange --------- Points to a range in Excel
# xlGetArray ------ Retrieves an Excel array in R
# xlClearContents - Clears the contents of an Excel range
# xlPutTable ------ Exports a nice table in Excel
# .RXLS ----------- Contents

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xlStart
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# Creates a COM object against Excel's API

# Arguments
# None

# Details
# Returns TRUE on success

xlStart = function() {
      if( ! "rcom" %in% .packages() ) library("rcom")
      xl <<- comCreateObject("Excel.Application")
      xlIsRunning() -> ans

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xlIsRunning
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# Checks if Excel is running

# Arguments
# None

# Details
# Returns TRUE on success

xlIsRunning = function() {
      ans = FALSE
      if( "xl" %in% ls(.GlobalEnv) & "rcom" %in% .packages() ) {
            if( comIsValidHandle(xl) ) {
                  xl[["Application"]][["Name"]] -> x
                  if( ! is.null(x) ) ans <- x == "Microsoft Excel"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xlStop
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# Removes the COM object (does not always shut Excel down)

# Arguments
# None

# Details
# TRUE means that the COM object has been removed but Excel may still be
# running (even invisibly).

xlStop = function() {
      if( ! xlIsRunning() ) stop("Excel is not running. Use xlStart().")
      if( xlVisible() ) xlVisible(FALSE) -> silent
      xl <<- NULL
      rm( list = "xl", envir = .GlobalEnv )
      gc( verbose = FALSE )
      gc( verbose = FALSE )
      ! xlIsRunning() -> ans

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xlVisible
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# Set or get Excel's 'Visible' property

# Arguments
# v --------------- Logical. If NA (the default) returns the current status

# Details
# Returns the status of the 'Visible' property (TRUE or FALSE)

xlVisible = function(v = NA) {
      if( ! xlIsRunning() ) stop("Excel is not running. Use xlStart().")
      if( is.na(v) ) xl[["Visible"]] -> v
      if( ! is.logical(v) ) stop("v must be either TRUE or FALSE")
      xl[["Visible"]] <- v
      xl[["Visible"]] -> ans

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xlAddWorkbook
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# Add a new workbook

# Arguments
# path ------------ Full path to the new workbook to be created
# sheets ---------- A vector of sheet names (defaults to Sheet1... Sheet5)

# Details
# Returns an 'xlWorkbook' object - e.g. a list which first element is the
# COM object representing the workbook itself and each of the followings
# beein pointers to the sheets.

xlAddWorkbook = function(path, sheets = paste("Sheet", 1:5, sep ="") ) {
      if( ! xlIsRunning() )
            stop("Excel is not running. Use xlStart().")
      if( ! is.character(sheets) )
            stop("sheets must be a vector of names")

      length(sheets) -> n
      xl[["SheetsInNewWorkbook"]] -> save
      xl[["SheetsInNewWorkbook"]] <- n

      xl[["Workbooks"]]$Add() -> wb
      lapply(1:n, function(i) {
            wb[["Worksheets", i]] -> ws
            ws[["Name"]] <- sheets[i]
            ws <- NULL
      } ) -> Sheets
      names(Sheets) <- sheets

      xl[["SheetsInNewWorkbook"]] <- save

      wb$SaveAs( normalizePath(path) ) -> ans
      if(!ans) stop("could not create ", sQuote(path))

      c( list(wb = wb), Sheets ) -> res
      attr(res, "class") <- "xlWorkbook"
      wb <- NULL


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xlIsWorkbook
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# Checks if an R object refers to a workbook

# Arguments
# wb -------------- An R object

# Details
# Returns TRUE on success.

xlIsWorkbook = function(wb) {
      if( ! xlIsRunning() )
            stop("Excel is not running. Use xlStart().")
      class(wb) == "xlWorkbook" -> ans
      wb <- NULL

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xlCloseWorkbook
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# Closes a workbook

# Arguments
# wb -------------- An R object
# save ------------ Logical. Defaults to TRUE.

# Details
# Returns TRUE on success. Will also remove the xlWorkbook object.

xlCloseWorkbook = function(wb, save = TRUE) {
      if( ! xlIsRunning() )
            stop("Excel is not running. Use xlStart().")
      if( ! xlIsWorkbook(wb) )
            stop("wb is not a workbook.")
      wb[["wb"]]$Close(save) -> ans
      rm(wb, envir = .GlobalEnv)
      wb <- NULL

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xlOpenWorkbook
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# Opens a workbook

# Arguments
# path ------------ Full path to the workbook to be openned

# Details
# Returns an 'xlWorkbook' object - e.g. a list which first element is the
# COM object representing the workbook itself and each of the followings
# beein pointers to the sheets.

xlOpenWorkbook = function(path) {
      if( ! xlIsRunning() )
            stop("Excel is not running. Use xlStart().")

      xl[["Workbooks"]]$Open( normalizePath(path) ) -> wb
      wb[["Sheets"]][["Count"]] -> n
      lapply(1:n, function(i) wb[["Worksheets", i]]) -> Sheets
      sapply(Sheets, function(x) x[["Name"]]) -> names(Sheets)

      c( list(wb = wb), Sheets ) -> res
      attr(res, "class") <- "xlWorkbook"
      wb <- Sheets <- NULL


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xlPutArray
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# Writes an R array in Excel

# Arguments
# x --------------- An R array or vector
# ws -------------- A pointer to the worksheet where to write the data
# cs -------------- Upper-left cell's reference as a numeric of length 2
# rownames -------- Logical. Should the function export row names?
# colnames -------- Logical. Should the function export column names?
# date.format ----- A string representing user's prefered Excel date format

# Details
# In this function, cs only refers to the upper-left cell of the range where
# to export data.
# The function will perform date conversion automatically provided dates are
# given as standard R Date objects.

xlPutArray = function(x, ws, cs, rownames = FALSE, colnames = FALSE,
      date.format = "aaaa-mm-jj") {
      if( ! xlIsRunning() )
            stop("Excel is not running. Use xlStart().")

      if( ! is.numeric(cs[1]) | ! is.numeric(cs[2]) | length(cs) != 2 )
            stop("cs must be a numeric vector of length 2")

      if( is.null( dim(x) ) ) as.matrix(x) -> x
      nrow(x) -> nrx
      ncol(x) -> ncx

      if(rownames) data.frame(x = rownames(x), x) -> x

      if(colnames) {

            ws[["Range", ws[["Cells", cs[1], cs[2]]],
                  ws[["Cells", cs[1], cs[2] + ncx - 1 ]] ]] -> rr
            temp <- if( is.null(colnames(x)) ) {
                  paste("c", 1:ncx, sep = "")
                  } else { colnames(x) }
            rr[["Value2"]] <- t(temp)
            cs[1] + 1 -> cs[1]
            rr <- NULL


      lapply(1:ncx, function(i) {

            x[, i] -> xi
            ws[["Range", ws[["Cells", cs[1], cs[2] + i - 1 ]],
                  ws[["Cells", cs[1] + nrx - 1, cs[2] + i - 1 ]] ]] -> rr

            class(xi) -> case
            if( case != "numeric" ) {

                  if( case == "Date") {
                        julian(xi, origin = as.Date("1899-12-30")) -> xx
                        rr[["Value2"]] <- as.matrix(xx)
                        rr[["NumberFormat"]] <- date.format

                  if( case %in% c("character", "factor") ) {
                        rr[["Value2"]] <- as.matrix( as.character(xi) )

            } else {
                  rr[["Value2"]] <- as.matrix(xi)

            rr <- NULL

      } ) -> silent

      ws <- NULL
      length(silent) == ncx -> ans

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xlRange
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# Points to a range in Excel

# Arguments
# ws -------------- A pointer to the worksheet
# cs -------------- Range's references as list of length 2 (see details)
# xlDown ---------- Logical. Should non-empty cells below cs be included ?
# xlToRight ------- Logical. Should non-empty cells next to cs be included ?
# check ----------- Logical. If TRUE returns details on the Excel range

# Details
# The cs argument must be a list of 2 numerical vectors of length 2 giving
# the coordinates of the range to be defined:
# cs = list( upper.left = c(row, col), lower.right = c(row, col) )
# With upper.left being the coordinates (row, col) of the upper-left cell
# of the Excel range and lower.right, the coordinates of the lower-right cell
# of the range. For example cs = list(c(1, 2), c(3, 5)) refers to the A2:C5
# range.
# The function will only xlDown (resp xlToRight) from a horizontal (resp
# vertical) range.

xlRange = function(ws, cs, xlDown = FALSE, xlToRight = FALSE, check = FALSE) {
      if( ! xlIsRunning() )
            stop("Excel is not running. Use xlStart().")

      if( ! is.list(cs) ) {

            if( length(cs) != 2 ) stop("cs must be of length 2")

            ws[["Cells", cs[1], cs[2] ]] -> rr

            if( ! xlDown & ! xlToRight ) rr -> res

            if( xlDown & ! xlToRight ) {
                  ws[["Range", rr, rr[["End", -4121]] ]] -> res

            if( !xlDown & xlToRight ) {
                  ws[["Range", rr, rr[["End", -4161]] ]] -> res

            if( xlDown & xlToRight ) {
                  ws[["Range", rr,
                        rr[["End", -4121]][["End", -4161]] ]] -> res

            rr <- NULL

      } else {

            if( any( sapply(cs, length) != 2 ) )
                  stop("elements of cs must be of length 2.")

            ws[["Range", ws[["Cells", cs[[1]][1], cs[[1]][2] ]],
                  ws[["Cells", cs[[2]][1], cs[[2]][2] ]] ]] -> rr

            rr[["Columns"]][["Count"]] -> nc
            rr[["Rows"]][["Count"]] -> nr

            if( ! xlDown & ! xlToRight ) rr -> res

            if( xlDown & ! xlToRight ) {
                  if( nr != 1 & xlDown )
                    stop("will not xlDown from an horizontal range")
                  ws[["Range", rr, rr[["End", -4121]] ]] -> res

            if( ! xlDown & xlToRight ) {
                  if( nc != 1 )
                    stop("will not xlToRight from a vertical range")
                  ws[["Range", rr, rr[["End", -4161]] ]] -> res

            if( xlDown & xlToRight ) {
                  if( nr != 1 | nc != 1 )
                    stop("will only xlDown & xlToRight from a single cell")
                  ws[["Range", rr,
                        rr[["End", -4121]][["End", -4161]] ]] -> res

            rr <- NULL

      if(check) list(   Pointer = res,
                        Adress = paste(ws[["Name"]], res[["Address"]],
                              sep = "!"),
                        Rows = res[["Rows"]][["Count"]],
                        Columns = res[["Columns"]][["Count"]] ) -> res

      ws <- NULL

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xlGetArray
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# Retrieves an array from Excel

# Arguments
# ws -------------- A pointer to the worksheet
# cs -------------- A pointer to the range to be exported (see details)
# xlDown ---------- Logical. Should non-empty cells below cs be exported ?
# xlToRight ------- Logical. Should non-empty cells next to cs be exported ?
# rownames -------- Logical. Does the first column contain row names ?
# colnames -------- Logical. Does the first row contain column names ?
# date.format ----- Excel format to be interpreted as dates

# Details
# Arguments work pretty much the same than in xlRange except that cs may be a
# numeric vector of length 2 refering to a unique cell.
# The date.format argument allows the function to identify and convert dates.
# It should be given as a character string representing a date format using
# your local Excel convention (you may wish to re-set the default to
# "yyyy-mm-dd").

# ToDos
# The function fails when cells in the same column have different formats.

xlGetArray = function(ws, cs, xlDown = FALSE, xlToRight = FALSE,
      rownames = FALSE, colnames = FALSE, date.format = "aaaa-mm-jj") {
      if( ! xlIsRunning() )
            stop("Excel is not running. Use xlStart().")

      if( ! is.list(cs) ) list(cs, cs) -> cs
      xlRange(ws, cs, xlDown, xlToRight) -> rr
      rr[["Columns"]][["Count"]] -> ncol
      rr[["Rows"]][["Count"]] -> nrow

      cs[[2]] <- c(cs[[1]][1] + nrow - 1, cs[[1]][2] + ncol - 1)

      if(colnames) {
            if( nrow < 2 )
                  stop("can't extract colnames with less than 2 rows")
            cs -> cs.c
            cs.c[[2]][1] <- cs.c[[1]][1]
            xlRange(ws, cs.c) -> rr
            drop( unlist( rr[["Value2"]] ) ) -> cnames
            if( is.null( rr[["NumberFormat"]] ) ) {
                  rr[["NumberFormat"]] <- "Standard"
            if( rr[["NumberFormat"]] %in% date.format ) {
                  as.character( as.Date("1899-12-30") + cnames ) -> cnames
            if(rownames) cnames[2:length(cnames)] -> cnames
            cs[[1]][1] <- cs[[1]][1] + 1
            rr <- NULL

      if(rownames) {
            if( ncol < 2 )
                  stop("can't extract rownames with less than 2 columns")
            cs -> cs.r
            cs.r[[2]][2] <- cs.r[[1]][2]
            xlRange(ws, cs.r) -> rr
            drop( unlist( rr[["Value2"]] ) ) -> rnames
            if( rr[["NumberFormat"]] %in% date.format ) {
                  as.character( as.Date("1899-12-30") + rnames ) -> rnames
            cs[[1]][2] <- cs[[1]][2] + 1
            rr <- NULL

      lapply(cs[[1]][2]:cs[[2]][2], function(i) {
            cs.d <- cs
            cs.d[[1]][2] <- cs.d[[2]][2] <- i
            xlRange(ws, cs.d) -> rr
            drop( unlist( rr[["Value2"]] ) ) -> out
            if( rr[["NumberFormat"]] %in% date.format ) {
                  as.Date("1899-12-30") + out -> out
            rr <- NULL
      } ) -> out
      data.frame(out) -> res

      colnames(res) <- if(colnames) { cnames
            } else { paste("c", 1:ncol(res), sep = "") }
      rownames(res) <- if(rownames) rnames

      ws <- NULL

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xlClearContents
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# Clears the content of a range

# Arguments
# ws -------------- A pointer to the worksheet
# cs -------------- Range's references as list of length 2 (see details)
# xlDown ---------- Logical. Should non-empty cells below cs be included?
# xlToRight ------- Logical. Should non-empty cells next to cs be included?
# format ---------- Logical. Should formats be removed too?

# Details
# See xlRange for more information.

xlClearContents = function(ws, cs, xlDown = FALSE, xlToRight = FALSE,
      format = FALSE) {
      if( ! xlIsRunning() )
            stop("Excel is not running. Use xlStart().")

      if( is.null(cs) ) {
            ws[["Cells"]] -> rr
      } else {
            xlRange(ws, cs, xlDown, xlToRight) -> rr

      rr$ClearContents() -> ans
      if(format) rr$ClearFormats() -> ans2; ans & ans2 -> ans

      ws <- rr <- NULL

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# xlPutTable
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# Exports a formated table to Excel.

# Arguments
# x --------------- An R array or vector
# ws -------------- A pointer to the worksheet where to write the data
# cs -------------- Upper-left cell's reference as a numeric of length 2
# title ----------- Title. If set to NA, no title is exported.
# bline ----------- Logical. Should the bottom line be bold?
# align ----------- A string indicating how columns should be aligned.
# format ----------
# rownames -------- Logical. Should the function export row names?

# Details
# These are the author's preferences ;)
# align must be a sequence of 'l' for left, 'c' for center and 'r' for right.
# align = 'llcr' will cause the 2 columns on the left to be aligned on the
# left, the third column to be centered and the last column to be aligned
# to the right.
# format must be given using Excel conventions (e.g. '@' for string,
# '# ##0.00'for numbers with 2 decimals etc...).

xlPutTable = function(x, ws, cs, title = NA, bline = FALSE, align = NA,
      format = NA, rownames = TRUE) {
      if( ! xlIsRunning() )
            stop("Excel is not running. Use xlStart().")

      ws[["Cells"]] -> cells
      cells[["Interior"]][["Color"]] <- 16777215 # (white)
      cells[["RowHeight"]] <- 14
      cells[["ColumnWidth"]] <- 10
      cells <- NULL

      if( ! is.na(title) ) {
            xlPutArray(title, ws, cs) -> na
            xlRange(ws, cs) -> rr
            rr[["Font"]] -> font
            font[["Color"]] <- 10040115 # (blue)
            font[["Name"]] <- "Tahoma"
            font[["Bold"]] <- TRUE
            font[["Size"]] <- 9
            rr <- NULL
            cs[1] + 2 -> cs[1]

      if(rownames) {
            colnames(x) -> temp
            data.frame(rownames(x), x) -> x
            cnames <- c("'", temp)
            } else {
            cnames <- colnames(x)

      nrow(x) -> nrx
      ncol(x) -> ncx

      # align

      halign = c(l = -4131, c = -4108, r = -4152)

      if( is.na(align) ) {
            do.call(paste, c(list("l"), as.list(rep("r", ncx-1)),
                  list(sep = "") ) ) -> align
            } else {
            if( nchar(align) != ncx )
                  stop("'align' must have ", ncx, " characters")

      sapply(1:nchar(align), function(i) {
            halign[ substr(align, i, i) ]
      } ) -> xlalign

      # format

      c("factor", "character", "logical") -> txt

      if( is.na(format[1]) ) {
            sapply(1:ncx, function(i) class(x[, i]) ) -> cc
            cc[ ! cc %in% c("Date", txt) ] <- "# ##0.00"
            cc[ cc %in% txt ] <- "@"
            cc[ cc == "Date" ] <- "aaaa-mm-jj"
            cc -> xlformat
      } else { format -> xlformat }

      # write by column

      lapply(1:ncx, function(i) {

            xlalign[i] -> xa
            xlformat[i] -> xf

            # column headers

            xlRange(ws, c(cs[1], cs[2] + i - 1)) -> rr
            rr[["Value2"]] <- cnames[i]
            rr[["HorizontalAlignment"]] <- xa

            rr[["Borders", 8]] -> edgetop
            edgetop[["LineStyle"]] <- 1
            edgetop[["Weight"]] <- -4138
            edgetop[["Color"]] <- 10040115 # (blue)

            rr[["Borders", 9]] -> edgebot
            edgebot[["LineStyle"]] <- 1
            edgebot[["Weight"]] <- 2
            edgebot[["Color"]] <- 10040115 # (blue)

            rr[["Font"]] -> font
            font[["Name"]] <- "Tahoma"
            font[["Color"]] <- 10040115 # (blue)
            font[["Bold"]] <- TRUE
            font[["Size"]] <- 9

            # data

            x[, i] -> xi

            if( class(xi) == "Date" ) {
                  julian(xi, origin = as.Date("1899-12-30")) -> xi

            if( class(xi) %in% txt ) as.character(xi) -> xi

            csi <- list(c(cs[1] + 1, cs[2] + i - 1),
                        c(cs[1] + nrx - 1, cs[2] + i - 1 ) )
            xlRange(ws, csi) -> rr

            rr[["Value2"]] <- as.matrix(xi)
            rr[["HorizontalAlignment"]] <- xa
            rr[["NumberFormat"]] <- xf

            rr[["Font"]] -> font
            font[["Name"]] <- "Tahoma"
            font[["Size"]] <- 9

            csy <- c(cs[1] + nrx - 1, cs[2] + i - 1)
            xlRange(ws, csy) -> rr

            rr[["Borders", 9]] -> edgebot
            edgebot[["LineStyle"]] <- 1
            edgebot[["Weight"]] <- -4138
            edgebot[["Color"]] <- 10040115 # (blue)
            edgebot <- NULL

            # bottom row

            if(bline) {

                  rr[["Borders", 8]] -> edgetop
                  edgetop[["LineStyle"]] <- 1
                  edgetop[["Weight"]] <- 2
                  edgetop[["Color"]] <- 10040115 # (blue)
                  edgetop <- NULL

                  rr[["Font"]] -> font
                  font[["Bold"]] <- TRUE
                  font <- NULL

            rr <- NULL

      } ) -> silent


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Contents
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Description
# List of functions. Use rm(list = .RXLS) to remove all these functions from
# .GlobalEnv.

.RXLS <- c("xlAddWorkbook", "xlClearContents", "xlCloseWorkbook",
      "xlGetArray", "xlIsRunning", "xlIsWorkbook", "xlOpenWorkbook",
      "xlPutArray", "xlRange", "xlStart", "xlStop", "xlVisible", "xlPutTable",

                                                        Pour :   "Spencer Graves" <spencer.graves at pdf.com>                                                          
                                                        cc :     r-sig-finance at stat.math.ethz.ch, MAB <MichelBeck at sbcglobal.net>                                    
                                                        Objet :  Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Importing from Excel                                                           
             "Gabor Grothendieck"                                                                                                                                   
             <ggrothendieck at gmail.com>                                                                                                                              
             Envoyé par :                                                                                                                                           
             r-sig-finance-bounces at stat.math.ethz.                                                                                                                  
             04/02/2008 21:14                                                                                                                                       

Regarding read.xls in gdata note that it passes the ... to read.csv so you
could specify na.strings= which should avoid the problem
if its just due to the #NA strings.

On Mon, Feb 4, 2008 at 2:57 PM, Spencer Graves <spencer.graves at pdf.com> wrote:
>      I've had good luck with 'read.xls{gdata}', but that could have the
> same problem.
>      If this still gives you problems, you could put your favorite
> 'read.*(...)' in a function that tests columns you specify to see if
> they are numeric and if not tries to replace them with
>           is.numeric(as.character(DF[[i]]))
>      for column i of data.frame DF.  You could test that to see what
> percent NAs you have and write a warning, etc., whatever you want.
>      hope this helps.
>      Spencer
> MAB wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I am trying to diff data imported from Excel.
> > I use the package xlsReadWrite.
> >
> > After I load the following XL spreadsheet
> >
> > C_Dates C_Price C_Prices_edit         C_Return_Raw        C_Return_edit
> > 1   30405   29.40         29.40                 #N/A                 #N/A
> > 2   30406   29.29         NaN                 -0.003               -0.003
> > 3   30407      NA         29.29                    0                    0
> > (#N/A is a string in one case and the formula =NA() in another)
> >
> > and try to diff the resulting object, I get:
> >
> > Error in r[i1, , drop = FALSE] - r[-nrow(r):-(nrow(r) - lag + 1), , drop =
> > FALSE] :
> >         non-numeric argument to binary operator
> >
> > I attempt to convert to numeric using as.matrix (or data.matrix),
> > but this converts the object to all characters.
> >
> > I can then use as.numeric to get a vector and rebuild the matrix but this gets
> > tedious.
> >
> > Eventually the easiest seems to be to make sure each column in the spreadsheet
> > starts with a numeric, and replace it once the object is in R.
> >
> > There is probably a better way.
> >
> > Michel
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > R-SIG-Finance at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
> > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-finance
> > -- Subscriber-posting only.
> > -- If you want to post, subscribe first.
> >
> _______________________________________________
> R-SIG-Finance at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-finance
> -- Subscriber-posting only.
> -- If you want to post, subscribe first.

R-SIG-Finance at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
-- Subscriber-posting only.
-- If you want to post, subscribe first.

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