[R-SIG-Finance] RBloomberg error

Thomas Steiner finbref.2006 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 24 22:02:24 CET 2007

Dear Paul,

thanks for your answer.

> Can you download Bloomberg data into Excel using the Bloomberg Add-in?

No, because I do not have MS Office, but just OpenOffice.org (for
which no BBG plugin exists up to my knowledge).

> If not, I'd guess you have some more bloomberg software to install,
> but I don't know what and I don't know how.  I'd start by asking for
> help to get the Excel Add-In working using the chat feature with
> Bloomberg customer service.

I keep asking HelpHelp for advice, but no success yet :(

> If you can download Bloomberg data into Excel, shutdown R, start the
> DDE Server by clicking on the lightening bolt icon in the Bloomberg
> section of your start menu, then restart R.  I've never used Vista, so
> can't offer any other specific suggestions.  Also, you might try
> upgrading R to 2.6.1.
> Good luck

Thank you,

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