[R-SIG-Finance] GARCH estimation

Patrick Burns patrick at burns-stat.com
Wed Dec 5 18:03:43 CET 2007

You need to do something in the event that ht
becomes non-positive.  For example, something

if(ht <= 0) ht <- 1e-10

What number you use will depend on what the
reasonable range of values is for the particular

Patrick Burns
patrick at burns-stat.com
+44 (0)20 8525 0696
(home of S Poetry and "A Guide for the Unwilling S User")

ShyhWeir Tzang wrote:

>Dear all:
>I have a garch equation different from the traditional one:
> y(t)=b1+b2*x(t) + sqrt(h(t))*z(t), where z(t)~N(0,1)  h(t)=b3+b4*h(t-1)+b5*(
>z(t-1)-b6*sqrt(h(t-1) )^2
>I tried to use optim to estimate the six parameters:
>garch <- function(b,x,y){
>         b1<-b[1]
>         b2<-b[2]
>         b3<-b[3]
>         b4<-b[4]
>         b5<-b[5]
>         b6<-b[6]
>         N<-length(y)
>         lkhd<-0
>         ht<-var(y)
>         for (i in 1:N){
>                zt<-y[i]-b1-b2*x[i]
>                ht<-b3+b4*(ht)^2+b5*(zt/sqrt(ht)-b6*sqrt(ht))^2
>                lkhd<-lkhd +log(ht)+zt^2/ht
>                }
>        return(lkhd)
>    x=data.x,y=data.y)
>However, I got the following warnings:
>In log(ht) : create NaNs
>In sqrt(ht) : create NaNs
>Can anyone help me interpreting these warnings? Are there any other better
>way to estimate the parameters? Thank you very much.
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