[R-SIG-Finance] UseR! 2008, August 12-14, Universität Dortmund, Germany

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Wed Aug 29 19:51:03 CEST 2007

      On behalf of the program committee for the UseR! conference next 
year, I'd like to invite you to mark your calendar for this event, 
consider attending and possibly making a presentation.  Important 
deadlines for the conference (from the web site 
"www.statistik.uni-dortmund.de/useR-2008" or www.r-project.org -> News:  
UseR! 2008) are as follows: 

      2007-10-31:  submission deadline for tutorial proposals

      December 2007:  start of registration and online abstract 

      2008-03-31:  deadlines for abstract submission and early 

      2008-05-15:  notification of acceptance of abstracts

      2008-05-31:  deadline for regular registration

      2008-07-25:  deadline for advanced registration (though on site 
registrations will still be accepted) 

      2008-08-11:  pre-conference tutorials

      2008-08-12 / 2008-08-14:  conference

      More later. 
      Best Wishes,
      Spencer Graves

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