[R-SIG-Finance] Standard deviation and plots

Peter Carl pcarl at gsbalum.uchicago.edu
Wed May 23 17:42:27 CEST 2007

There's a good example of such an overlay at:


Look for a chart called "Third moment (skewness)".  The example shows 
how to calculate dimensions and draw a vertical line segment overlaid 
on the histogram.  Although he isn't doing exactly what you're looking 
for, the code could be easily modified for your use.   

There's a lot of other good stuff there, as well.



On Wednesday 23 May 2007 10:26, genx wrote:
> Is there a way to display brackets 1sigma, 2sigma in combination with
> actual values on the x scale in histogram plots or any other type of
> plots? I am not quite sure how this would be accomplished but if its
> possible to squeeze in the sigma brackets it would be great.
> Thank you

Peter Carl
145 Scottswood Rd
Riverside, IL 60546

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