[R-SIG-Finance] SVG device with tooltips

Armstrong, Whit whit.armstrong at hcmny.com
Thu Feb 15 23:40:38 CET 2007

cool. thanks. 

will check it out.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Plate [mailto:tplate at acm.org] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 5:33 PM
> To: R-sig-finance
> Cc: Armstrong, Whit; Dirk Eddelbuettel; Tony Plate
> Subject: SVG device with tooltips
> I put experimental SVG device package, which includes the 
> ability to have popup tooltips, at
> http://www.cybermesa.com/~champagne/RSVGwTips/RSVGwTipsDevice_
> 0.6.1.tar.gz
> (source)
> http://www.cybermesa.com/~champagne/RSVGwTips/RSVGwTipsDevice_
> 0.6.1.zip
> (windows binary package)
> Examples of the plots produced are at:
> http://www.cybermesa.com/~champagne/RSVGwTips/svgplot1.svg
> http://www.cybermesa.com/~champagne/RSVGwTips/svgplot2.svg
> http://www.cybermesa.com/~champagne/RSVGwTips/svgplot3.svg
> (These are the first 3 examples produced by the code in the 
> help file -- I've just put them here so that people can see 
> the SVG output without having to get, compile and install the 
> package.)
> This SVG device is called RSVGwTipsDevice, and is based on 
> the RSvgDevice package written by T Jake Luciani 
> <jakeluciani at yahoo.com> (who did express mild interest in 
> these modifications, but didn't have time to look at them or 
> comment on them.)
> Limitations/features are:
> * standard graphics primitives are used (points(), rect(), 
> etc), and the
>   same code should work with any device (for other devices, 
> the calls that specify tooltips should have no effect.)
> * tooltips are attached to shapes: e.g., the output of 
> points(), rect(), and polygon(), but not lines()
> * the tooltip is specified in a separate call to the drawing function
> * only the first shape produced by an R drawing function will 
> have a tooltip (so, if you want each point to have a tooltip, 
> each must be drawn separately)
> * the tooltips that have a title + 2 lines of text probably 
> use non-standard SVG code -- I wrote the SVG code by trial 
> and error and it's probably not correct.  These tooltips 
> display fine in Firefox, but the Batik standalone SVG viewer 
> doesn't like them.
> One possible approach to get around the limitation that 
> vectorized calls to points() (etc) only have a tooltip on the 
> first point is to allow specifying in advance a vector of 
> tooltip text.  However, the whole approach of having to 
> supply the tooltip text in advance is not very nice -- though 
> it was the only way I could think of making the standard 
> graphics primitives work with tooltips (because the standard 
> graphics primitives don't allow optional extra arguments).
> If you try this out, please bear in mind that this really is 
> experimental code.  Comments/suggestions/contributions are 
> welcome (especially from SVG experts!)
> It's probably reasonably easy to add other dynamic graphics 
> features such as zooming and x/y location readout.  I just 
> haven't tried, but if anyone is inspired and comes up with 
> something, I'm happy to try to integrate it!
> -- Tony Plate

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