[R-SIG-Finance] Examples from Rmetrics User Guides

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Fri Sep 15 20:03:25 CEST 2006

      Have you looked at the contents of, for example, 
~R\library\fBasics?  If you've looked there and can't find what you 
want, could you please describe more explicitly what you tried and what 
you want?  Which example(s) most interest you?  To which user guide 
f*.pdf are you referring?  Where did you get it?  I have some experience 
with finding things crudely like that, but I don't want to spend a whole 
lot more time on this without some further confidence that you might 
actually find the result helpful. 

      Spencer Graves

A Curious Mind wrote:
> Is there a download with the examples -- xmp...() and the datasets
> from the user guides, f*.pdf, or are they a part of Rmetrics?
> Cheers,
> Alexy
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