[R-SIG-Finance] Problems using garchFit() in package fseries

Diethelm Wuertz wuertz at itp.phys.ethz.ch
Thu Aug 24 23:20:36 CEST 2006

Stefan Westermair wrote:

>Dear list members, 
>how can i make the garchFit() function accept variables in the formula.mean or formula.var expressions?
>I was trying to run something like the following (shorter but produceses the same error message) example:
>>my_Garch <- function(data,p,q) {
>+ fit <- garchFit(series=data, formula.var= ~garch(p,q))
>+ return(fit)
>+ }


    myGarch = function(data, p, q)
        form = as.formula(paste("~garch(", p, ",", q, ")"))
        garchFit(formula.var = form, series = data)
    myGarch(data = garchSim(n = 1000, rseed = 4711), p = 1, q = 1)


>##simulate testdata  and run the function
>>testdata <- garchSim(n=1000)@.Data
>>testfit <- my_Garch(testdata,1,2)
>##produced the following error message
>Fehler in if (p + q == 0) stop("Misspecified GARCH Model: Both Orders are zero!") : 
>        Fehlender Wert, wo TRUE/FALSE nötig ist
>Zusätzlich: Warning message:
>NAs durch Umwandlung erzeugt 
>It seems that .garchInitSeries reads the parameter from the formula.var expression and the then checks for positivity. In my case not "1" and "2" but "p" and "q" were read (?).
>Did anybody ever try to use variables in the garchFit() function?  I am intending to fit GARCH models for several parameter constellations and then select the best fit according to some information criterion.
>Thanks a lot in advance,

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