[R-sig-Finance] Rmetric and sciviews

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Mon Jul 10 06:15:33 CEST 2006

	  To a similar post roughly 20 months ago, Mark Schwartz replied, "The 
standard way to pause between plots is to set 'par(ask = TRUE)' before 
your first plot, which will then prompt you to continue after each new 
plot. See ?par for more information." 

	  Hope this helps.
	  Spencer Graves

Joe Byers wrote:
> I am using sciviews as my gui for R.  Sciviews does not support mdi mode 
> with R, so when you run any summary(armaobjectresults) functions, only 
> the last box ljung plot is shown.  The history is also empty in the 
> graph window.
> My work around was to modify summary.arma to use r2html functions 
> instead of cat functions.  See a previous post.
> Has anyone else experienced this? And, do they have a fix for this problem?
> Thank you
> Joe
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