[R-sig-Finance] Fwd: Testing technical indicators
Whit Armstrong
whit at twinfieldscapital.com
Fri Jun 2 17:39:33 CEST 2006
I too have been down the backtesting road in R. I would have
participated more in the discussion, but the CFA exam is this Saturday
(level 3 this time). John, I can see you have been down that road too,
so you know how much time is involved in preparation.
> For me it goes like this. I use R as a calculation engine
> rather than a programming environment. So any time I have a
> calc that R seems like a natural resource for, I use R. That
> include regressions, t tests, Chi Square, etc... I've found
> no need to go to C or C++ as with a decent computer and a
> modicum of memory R and Python are fast enough for my needs.
We have a package which allows users to write rules in R which are
evaluated by C++ routines via callbacks to R via eval. It's messy messy
messy. This package worked fine on daily data. However, when we
started testing with 10 minute bars or 1 minute bars it became
impossibly slow.
I have never used Python, but I am curious. Do you find that it works
well with higher frequency data. Do you use it with intraday data at
Here is an example script for a simple rsi divergence system. The big
advantage of writing the rules in R is that you can make calls to
browser in your scripts which I find helps a lot in debugging.
var.grid <-
#var.grid <-
rsi.system <- function(mkt) {
# for position size
notional <- 100*10^6
risk.pct <- 0.001
risk <- notional*risk.pct
mkt.atr <- moving.avg(true.range(ps(mkt)),60)
trade.size <- round(risk/(mkt.atr*com.factor(mkt)),0)
#trade.size <- 100
mkt.ps <- ps(mkt)
mkt.ds.close <- ds(mkt)[,"close"]
mkt.rsi <- rsi(mkt.ps,rsi.win)
mkt.rsi.rnk <- rnk(mkt.rsi,rnk.win)
new.high <- rnk(mkt.ps[,"high"],rnk.win)<2
new.low <- rnk(mkt.ps[,"low"],rnk.win)>(rnk.win-1)
# new high & not an rsi new high
sell.sig <- new.high & mkt.rsi.rnk > (1 + rsi.buff)
buy.sig <- new.low & mkt.rsi.rnk < (rnk.win - 1 - rsi.buff)
buy.entry <- function() {
#if(is.na(pl.pos()) || is.na(pl.value(sys.buy)))
# browser()
if(pl.pos() <= 0 && pl.value(buy.sig)) {
sell.entry <- function() {
#if(is.na(pl.pos()) || is.na(pl.value(sys.buy)))
# browser()
if(pl.pos() >= 0 && pl.value(sell.sig)) {
buy.rule <- list(entry=buy.entry)
sell.rule <- list(entry=sell.entry)
ans <- list(buy.rule=buy.rule,sell.rule=sell.rule)
class(ans) <- "pl.system"
mkts <- scan("/home/whit/.std.mkt.list",what="")[-c(1:9)]
mkt.list <- lapply(mkts,lim.com)
sys.reports <- do.system(mkt.list,rsi.system,100,grid=var.grid)
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