[R-sig-finance] NIG Option Pricing
dkf at specere.com
Tue Dec 6 04:31:19 CET 2005
I have been using the NIG-functions in the fBasics package
trying to determine some european call prices using a NIG
distribution, but seemed to have hit a wall.
Basically, the process (as I know it) is to determine the
parameter for the Esscher transform, which is then used in
adjusting the density function for integrating in a BS=style
A test case with parameters is included. The results do not
appear correct as the classic "W" shape of "call(NIG) - call(BS)"
is not observed. further, if you compare the different call
prices vs. stock/strike, as well as the implicit value - the
results are rather odd, as the call(NIG) value is often less
than the intrinsic value.
There are some debugging routines defined in the following
Any help is greatly appreciated.
test case and parameters
library(fBasics) # for nig distribution
alpha <- 17.32268
beta <- 1.453270
delta <- 0.01144148
mu <- -0.0004846318
mean <- 0.0004780999
sd <- sqrt(delta*(alpha^2)/(sqrt((alpha^2)-(beta^2))^3))
rf <- 0.04
# determine the parameter, theta, for the riskneutral process
# under the esscher transform
esscher <- function(x) {
result <- mu + delta*(sqrt(alpha^2 - (beta + x)^2) - sqrt(alpha^2 -
(beta + x + 1)^2)) - rf
lowerlimit <- -alpha - beta
upperlimit <- alpha - beta - 1
xmin <- uniroot(esscher, c(lowerlimit, upperlimit), tol = 1.0e-6)
theta <- xmin$root
# visual test of distributions
showpdfs <- function() {
# global: alpha, beta, delta, mu, theta, rf
span.min = qnig(0.001, alpha, beta, delta, mu)
span.max = qnig(0.999, alpha, beta, delta, mu)
span <- seq(span.min, span.max, length=200)
yfit <- dnig(span, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, delta = delta, mu = mu)
yfit2 <- dnig(span, alpha = alpha, beta = beta + theta, delta = delta,
mu = 0)
yfitnorm <- dnorm(span, mean=mean, sd=sd)
ylim <- log(c(min(yfit), max(yfit))) # only bounding on fitted
xlim <- c(span[1], span[length(span)])
plot(span, log(yfit), ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, type="l", lty=2, col="blue",
ylab="", xlab="logreturns")
plot(span, log(yfit2), ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, type="l", lty=3, col="red",
ylab="", xlab="logreturns")
plot(span, log(yfitnorm), ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, type="l", lty=4,
col="green", ylab="", xlab="logreturns")
legend(x="topleft", lty=c(2, 3, 4), col=c("blue", "red", "green"),
c("objective", "riskneutral", "normal"))
# define european call under NIG
nigpdf <- function(x) {
# global: alpha, beta, delta, mu, theta, rf
dnig(x, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, delta=delta, mu=mu)
callnig <- function(stock, strike, maturity) {
# global: alpha, beta, delta, mu, theta, rf
if (maturity <= 0) {
return(max(stock - strike, 0))
iblower <- log(strike/stock)
ibupper <- Inf
# adjust distribution estimates
muold <- mu
mu <- 0
delta <- delta*maturity
beta <- beta + theta
intg2 <- integrate(nigpdf, iblower, ibupper)$value
beta <- beta + 1
intg1 <- integrate(nigpdf, iblower, ibupper)$value
result <- stock*intg1 - strike*exp(-rf*maturity)*intg2
# unwind adjustments
beta <- beta - theta - 1
delta <- delta/maturity
mu <- muold
# define european call under B&S
callbs <- function(stock, strike, maturity) {
# global: sd
if (maturity <= 0) {
return(max(stock - strike, 0))
d1 <- (log(stock/strike) + ((rf +
d2 <- d1 - sd*sqrt(maturity)
result <- stock*pnorm(d1) - strike*exp(-rf*maturity)*pnorm(d2)
# define function for evaluating calls
pfmt5 <- function(x) {
t1 <- sprintf("%5g", x)
# plot call vs underlying
plotcall <- function(from=27.5, to=32.5, strike=30, maturity=1) {
npoints <- 200
sp <- seq(from=from, to=to, length=npoints)
cbs <- double(npoints)
cnig <- double(npoints)
ip <- double(npoints)
windows() # open new window for plotting
for (i in 1:npoints) {
cnig[i] <- callnig(sp[i], strike, maturity)
cbs[i] <- callbs(sp[i], strike, maturity)
ip[i] <- max(sp[i] - strike, 0) # intrinsic value of call
plot(sp/strike, ip, ylim=c(0,4), ylab="", xlab="",
type="l", lty=2, col="blue")
plot(sp/strike, cbs, ylim=c(0,4), ylab="", xlab="",
type="l", lty=3, col="red")
plot(sp/strike, cnig, ylim=c(0,4), ylab="call price", xlab="(stock
type="l", lty=4, col="green")
legend(x="bottomright", lty=c(2, 3, 4), col=c("blue", "red", "green"),
c("implicit value", "black-scholes", "nig"))
y <- 3.7
yinc <- 0.15
text(0.92, y, adj=0, paste("NIG Parameters:")); y <- y - yinc
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(alpha==v, list(v=pfmt5(alpha)))); y <- y
- yinc
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(beta==v, list(v=pfmt5(beta)))); y <- y -
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(delta==v, list(v=pfmt5(delta)))); y <- y
- yinc
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(mu==v, list(v=pfmt5(mu)))); y <- y - yinc
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(theta==v, list(v=pfmt5(theta)))); y <- y
- yinc
y <- y - yinc
text(0.92, y, adj=0, paste("Normal Parameters:")); y <- y - yinc
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(mu==v, list(v=pfmt5(mean)))); y <- y - yinc
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(sigma==v, list(v=pfmt5(sd)))); y <- y -
title("call(NIG), call(BS), implicit value vs. stock/strike")
# plot the difference of the two prices
plotdiff <- function(from=27.5, to=32.5, strike=30, maturity=1) {
npoints <- 200
sp <- seq(from=from, to=to, length=npoints)
cbs <- double(npoints)
cnig <- double(npoints)
ip <- double(npoints)
windows() # open new window for plotting
for (i in 1:npoints) {
cnig[i] <- callnig(sp[i], strike, maturity)
cbs[i] <- callbs(sp[i], strike, maturity)
plot((sp/strike), (cnig - cbs), type="l", col="red")
y <- -0.2
yinc <- 0.025
text(0.92, y, adj=0, paste("NIG Parameters:")); y <- y - yinc
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(alpha==v, list(v=pfmt5(alpha)))); y <- y
- yinc
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(beta==v, list(v=pfmt5(beta)))); y <- y -
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(delta==v, list(v=pfmt5(delta)))); y <- y
- yinc
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(mu==v, list(v=pfmt5(mu)))); y <- y - yinc
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(theta==v, list(v=pfmt5(theta)))); y <- y
- yinc
y <- y - yinc
text(0.92, y, adj=0, paste("Normal Parameters:")); y <- y - yinc
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(mu==v, list(v=pfmt5(mean)))); y <- y - yinc
text(0.93, y, adj=0, substitute(sigma==v, list(v=pfmt5(sd)))); y <- y -
title("call(NIG) - call(BS)")
plotsurfacediff <- function() {
sp <- seq(from=15, to=45, length=100)
call <- matrix(nrow=100, ncol=25)
mat <- seq(from=.2, to=10, length=25)
strike <- 30
for (idx in 1:25) {
for (i in 1:100) {
# print(paste("idx = ", idx))
# print(paste("i = ", i))
call[i, idx] <- callnig(sp[i], strike, mat[idx]) - callbs(sp[i],
strike, mat[idx])
# call[i, idx] <- callbs0(sp[i], strike, mat[idx], 0.3, rf, rf)
# call[i, idx] <- callbs(sp[i], strike, mat[idx])
# call[i, idx] <- callbs2(sp[i], strike, mat[idx])
# call[i, idx] <- callnig(sp[i], strike, mat[idx])
persp(sp, mat, call, theta=30, phi=30, expand=0.8, col="lightblue",
ticktype = "detailed",
xlab = "stock price", ylab = "maturity", zlab = "call price")
# these just do the default.
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