[R-sig-finance] Re: [R] Step wise regression

Renaud Lancelot renaud.lancelot at cirad.fr
Tue May 3 17:52:53 CEST 2005

Frank E Harrell Jr a écrit :
> walmir-rodrigues wrote:
>> Dear Fellows,
>> How can I do to proced a step wise regression in R, if it´s possible ?
>> Thanks,
>> Walmir 
> Here is an easy approach that will yield results only slightly less 
> valid than one actually using the response variable:
> x <- data.frame(x1,x2,x3,x4,..., other potential predictors)
> x[,sample(ncol(x))]
> :-)   -Frank
competing for the "fortune" award ?... ;-)


Dr Renaud Lancelot, vétérinaire
C/0 Ambassade de France - SCAC
BP 834 Antananarivo 101 - Madagascar

e-mail: renaud.lancelot at cirad.fr
tel.:   +261 32 40 165 53 (cell)
         +261 20 22 665 36 ext. 225 (work)
         +261 20 22 494 37 (home)

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