[R-sig-finance] dates and times on Windows for fMetrics

Diethelm Wuertz wuertz at itp.phys.ethz.ch
Mon Dec 13 01:25:24 CET 2004

Thanks for this information.

I will take care about DST in Australia for the next Rmetrics release.

Thanks Diethelm

Tom Mulholland wrote:

> Diethelm Wuertz wrote:
> ...
>> # OOPS ...
>> # The DST rules are missing after 1992.
> ...
> We don't have daylight saving anymore,(the running joke here is that 
> it fades the curtains too quickly) and it's been that way for at least 
> a decade. So I don't think there are any missing rules.
> I'm just on my way out to work so I'll fully digest the message once I 
> get home.
> Thanks.
> Tom

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