[R-sig-finance] portfolio.optim, where is the source code

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at myway.com
Fri Dec 10 22:53:39 CET 2004

From:   Omar Lakkis <abu3ammar at gmail.com>
> How do I see the code (actual implemetation) of the function
> portfolio.optim() in tseries?
> When I type the function's name on teh command line I get:
> > portfolio.optim 
> function (x, ...) 
> UseMethod("portfolio.optim")

The UseMethod call has the effect of calling
portfolio.optim.foo for the appropriate class foo.
To find the possible portfolio.optim.foo's issue
this R command:


> I was unable to find the source in my installation. 
> /usr/local/lib/R/site-library$ find tseries/ | grep op
> tseries/help/portfolio.optim
> tseries/html/portfolio.optim.html
> tseries/latex/portfolio.optim.tex
> tseries/R-ex/portfolio.optim.R

Assuming you downloaded the source package, and not just
the binary package then the R files are all in tseries/R and 
grepping through that we find that finance.R contains it.

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