[R-sig-finance] tips and tricks for rolling regressions?
Patrick Burns
patrick at burns-stat.com
Thu Aug 26 13:18:56 CEST 2004
At least some investigation -- if not absolute worry -- is probably
in order. GARCH can confuse optimizers, so it is entirely believable
that you are not getting optimal results.
Though it doesn't make sense to me, some times changing the scale
of the data can make the optimizer behave better. Proprietary code
that I wrote liked to have the returns in percent rather than fractional
Patrick Burns
Burns Statistics
patrick at burns-stat.com
+44 (0)20 8525 0696
(home of S Poetry and "A Guide for the Unwilling S User")
Ajay Shah wrote:
>>#moving one-step-ahead GARCH(1,1)
>>width<-1500 #the size of the sample window
>>data(EuStockMarkets) #data taken from package 'tseries'
>>X<- diff(log(EuStockMarkets))[,"DAX"]
>>from<-sapply((1:n)-width+1,function(x) max(x,1))
>>all.elements<-apply(cbind(from,to),1,function(x) seq(x[1],x[2]))
>>#estimating GARCH(1,1) and extracting the fitted coefficients
>> out<-garch(X[better.elements[,i]])
>> garchsum<-summary(out)[[2]][1:3]
>> names(garchsum)<-NULL
>> return(garchsum)
>>res<-sapply(1:length(better.elements),function(i) myfun(i))
>>#adjusting the output
>When I run your code, I get lots and lots of
>error messages from the garch() function in the tseries
>library. Should I be worried?
> -ans.
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