[R-sig-finance] c++ and D-COM

Molins, Jordi Jordi.Molins at drkw.com
Wed Aug 4 18:01:55 CEST 2004


I would like to call R functions from C++ code. The C++ code is not called
from an R function, but it stands by itself. I have done research through
google and it seems that before it was not possible to do what I wanted, but
now with the D-COM port, it is possible (comment by Prof Ripley). Prof
Ripley says also that in the documentation of the D-COM port there are C

I have looked in the folders of the (D)COM Server, but I have not found
anything like an example (there is an scripting folder, but contains
jscript, python and vbs, but nothing of c++).

Is there a simple way to call R functions from C++ code? is it possible to
have a simple example (like 2+2=4)? 

Thank you very much in advance


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