[R-sig-Epi] How to interpret the results of PCA with sampling weights

Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle leonardof at leonardof.med.br
Wed Apr 27 03:51:20 CEST 2016

Em Ter 26 abr. 2016, às 16:17, Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle escreveu:
> Hello everyone,
> I have a dataset from a household survey, with sampling weights, and I
> wanted to create an assets-based indicator of economic level for the
> households. The idea was to run PCA (with sampling weights), and the
> first principal component would be the economic level indicator. In
> this email, I am calling "surveydesignobj" the object returned by
> svydesign(), and "svyprcompobj" the object returned by
> svyprcomp(formula, surveydesignobj, center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE,
> scores = TRUE).
> What I can't understand is why the first principal component stored in
> svyprcompobj$x is so different from what I get from
> predict(svyprcompobj, surveydesignobject). By "different" I mean
> different distributions and only moderate correlation (~ 0.5) between
> them. I also tried recreating the first principal component "by hand",
> by summing the (centered or not) variables after multiplying them by the
> loadings (svyprcompobj$rotation) and dividing them by their scales (from
> svyprcompobj$scale); the resulting vector was highly correlated (> 0.99)
> with the first principal component obtained from predict().
> Peaking in the svyprcomp() code I saw that the function runs PCA in the
> data after multiplying it by
> sqrt(samplingweights/mean(samplingweights)), and latter divides
> svyprcompobj$x by sqrt(samplingweights/mean(samplingweights)) before
> returning it. I also noticed that there is no predict.svyprcomp(), only
> predict.prcomp().
> Given that different methods provide different values, I'd like to know
> if there is only one correct method (which?), or if it's a matter of
> interpreting differently the results of each method.
> Thanks in advance,

When I sent my previous email I was away from my computer, and couldn't
provide some code in R to exemplify what I meant. The following code
illustrates the point with more accessibled data:

dclus2 <- svydesign(ids = ~ dnum + snum, fpc = ~ fpc1 + fpc2, data =
pc <- svyprcomp(~ api99 + api00 + ell + hsg + meals + emer, design =
dclus2, scale. = TRUE, scores = TRUE)
dclus2$variables$pc1 <- pc$x[, "PC1"]
dclus2$variables$pc2 <- predict(pc, apiclus2)[, "PC1"]
mycoef <- pc$rotation[, "PC1"] / pc$scale
dclus2$variables$pc3 <- with(apiclus2, api99 * mycoef["api99"] + api00 *
mycoef["api00"] + ell * mycoef["ell"] + 
              hsg * mycoef["hsg"] + meals * mycoef["hsg"] + emer *
cov.wt(dclus2$variables[, paste0("pc", 1:3)], wt = weights(dclus2), cor
= TRUE)$cor  # correlation matrix
summary(dclus2$variables[, paste0("pc", 1:3)])
bw1 <- sqrt(coef(svyvar(~ pc1, dclus2))) / 3
bw2 <- sqrt(coef(svyvar(~ pc2, dclus2))) / 3
bw3 <- sqrt(coef(svyvar(~ pc3, dclus2))) / 3
plot(svysmooth(~ pc1, dclus2, bandwidth = bw1), xlim = c(-2.5, 7.5),
ylim = c(0, 0.75))
lines(svysmooth(~ pc2, dclus2, bandwidth = bw2), col = 2)
lines(svysmooth(~ pc3, dclus2, bandwidth = bw3), col = 3)
legend("topright", legend = c("pc$x[, \"PC1\"]", "predict(pc,
apiclus2)[, \"PC1\"]", "sum(variables * loadings / scale)"), col = 1:3,
lty = 1)


Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle

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