[R-sig-Epi] Epi 1.1.71 is now out

BXC (Bendix Carstensen) bxc at steno.dk
Sat Sep 19 17:16:41 CEST 2015

Dear all,
the latest version of Epi, version 1.1.71 is now avialble on CRAN.
best regards,
Bendix Carstesen,

The changes since 1.1.60 (the previous version on CRAN was 1.1.67) are:

Changes in 1.1.71

o Bug from calling lme4::vcov from within ci.lin fixed

Changes in 1.1.70

o Bug in calling lme4::fixef from within ci.lin fixed

o ci.lin with sample=TRUE now samples from the posterior of the
  parameter vector and then transforms this by the contrast matrix
  (earlier the sampling was from the posterior of the ctr.mat
  transformed parameters). 

Changes in 1.1.69

o ci.cum now has an argument ci.Exp (defaults to FALSE) that computes
  the ci of the cum.haz on the log-scale. This is useful if you want to
  transform c.i.s to the survival scale and want the c.i.s for the
  survival function to stay inside [0,1].

o ci.pred updated to automatically use the inverse link for
  transformation of results. Also now only accepts glm objects.
o Ns now have arguents ref= and detrend=. ref= allows a reference
  value to be specified (where the Ns is 0); this is independent of
  the supplied data. detrend= projects the columns of Ns() on the
  orthogonal of the variable supplied; this is strongly dependent on
  the data.

Changes in 1.1.68

o ci.lin has been groomed to use internally (newly, from 1.1.68)
  defined methods COEF and VCOV to extract coefficients and
  variance-covariances of these from different types of objects.

Changes in 1.1.67

o The simLexis vignette has been groomed a bit

o The function ci.pred (a wrapper for predict.glm) added

Changes in 1.1.66

o A crr.Lexis method has been added to simplify the use of the
  Fine-Gray model when data are set up in a Lexis object.

o ci.lin and ci.exp now recognises crr objects.

o A wrapper, ci.pred, for predict.glm has been added, it returns
  predictions with confidence intervals.

Changes in 1.1.65

o Despite the note, dropped rows from construction of a Lexis objects
  were not put in the "dropped" attribute.

Changes in 1.1.64

o Fixed the sim-Lexis vignette

Changes in 1.1.64

o Added function ZArray, which generates an array of 0s just as NArray
  generates an array of NAs.

o Updated code to avoid "::" and ":::" as far as possible, as well as
  "<<-". Hence excluded records from construction of a Lexis object is
  now put in an attribute "dropped" of the Lexis object.

Changes in 1.1.62

o Bug fix in the example code for boxes.Lexis

Changes in 1.1.61

o ci.lin updated to recognize objects of class "lmerMod" from lmer.

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