[R-sig-Epi] Course: Statistical Practice in Epidemiology Using R

Martyn Plummer plummerM at iarc.fr
Fri Feb 22 12:47:39 CET 2013

Course in:

IARC, Lyon, Fance, Thursday 23 to Wednesday 29 May 2013.


The course is intended for epidemiologists and statisticians who wish
to use R (www.r-project.org) for statistical modelling and analysis of
epidemiological data. The aim of the course is to give participants
access to a set of tools in current use by statisticians in
epidemiology. The course requires fairly good understanding of
statistical principles and some familiarity with epidemiological
concepts and study types.

The course will be mainly practically oriented with more than half the
time at the computer.


* History of R. Language. Objects. Functions.
* Interface to other data formats. Data frames.
* Tabulation of data.
* Logistic regression for case-control-studies.
* Poisson regression for follow-up studies.
* Causal inference.
* Parametrization of models.
* Graphics in R.
* Graphical reporting of results.
* Time-splitting & Standardized Mortality Ratios.
* Survival analysis and competing risks.
* Multi-state models.
* Nested and matched case-control studies.
* Case-cohort studies.

Venue: IARC, Lyon, France

Price: 600 EUR

The course is a self-supporting entity, and there are NO grants or
stipends available for travel or participation. 

Deadline for application: 1st April 2013.

Information to applicants will be given by e-mail shortly after the

Further information and application form at:

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