[R-sig-Epi] workflow for creating large tabular reports and sharing editable tables with colleagues who don't use LaTeX

Jeffrey Miller jeffrey.r.miller+r-sig-epi at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 21:32:49 CEST 2012


How do YOU create multi-page publication ready tables that can still
be shared and potentially edited by coworkers who don't use LaTeX? I'm
specifically looking for a solution that accomodates grouped column
headers and grouped row specifications and can be imported, WITH
styling (e.g., lower border below each set of grouped rows), into MS
Word or Excel.

I am working on a report with other analysts. They use SAS. I use R.
The tables for the report get incorporated into a giant Microsoft Word
Document. Their tables are relatively simple without row or column
groupings. One of my tables for this report is 762 rows and
approximately a dozen columns and needs to have column and row
groupings. I drank the kool-aid regarding reproducible research and
don't want to post-process the table in MS Word or Excel either.

Am I missing something obvious?

Things I've tried:
I am familiar with the xtable, tables, R2HTML, hwriter, Hmisc::latex
and Hmisc:html functions/packages.

- xtable doesn't support row or column grouping as far as I can tell.

- Hmisc::latex, using longtable generates a nice table with grouped
columns and headers (except that the cgroup is not included as part of
the header on each subsequent page, unless the tex file is hand edited
--- I have e-mailed the package mantainer). If my colleagues could
work with the pdf or .tex file, this would be addequate.
Unfortunately, conversion is required. I can't get Hmisc::html to work
directly with the table. Hevea, used by Hmisc::html, will convert the
.tex file outputed by Hmisc::latex after hand-editing the .tex file
(e.g.: adding \documentclass{article}, \begin{document},
\providecommand{\tabularnewline}{\\}) but the resulting html file
loses the rgroup border formatting when imported into MS Word and
LibreOffice. LibreOffice also doesn't seem to know how to handle the
A0;A0 encoding which indents the cell contents after the rgroup.

- OdfWeave::odfTable might work but I'm having issues (e.g. extremely
long processing times and inability to resize the rgroup column). I
have e-mailed the package mantainer directly.

- Ideally, I would like to generate HTML code for an HTML table and
css. This would allow more than one cgroup or rgrouping. I mocked up a
proof-of-concept table and it looks good in modern browser but the
formatting isn't reflected in recent versions of MS Excel, MS Word or
LibreOffice when imported.

While my question is really about workflow, I have included
sessionInfo, an analagous data set and sample code for odfWeave'ing a
LibreOffice file.  I am not posting the html file so as not to
aggravate the spam filters.

R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin11.4.0 (64-bit)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] odfWeave_0.8.1 XML_3.9-4      lattice_0.20-6

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.15.1  tools_2.15.1

LibreOffice Info:
Build ID: 7122e39-92ed229-498d286-15e43b4-d70da21


<<table, results=xml, echo=FALSE>>=



rGen <- function(n, length, frame = c(LETTERS, letters, 0:9)){
  i = 0
  x = NULL
  while (i < n) {
    x <- c(x,paste(sample(frame, length, replace = TRUE), collapse = ""))
    i <- i + 1
  return (x)

# create index and provider name
df <- data.frame(NHSN = rGen(254, 6, 0:9), providerName = rGen(254,
30, LETTERS)) # for each index/provider name pair there are three rows
for Employees, STVs, and LIPs # I'm sure there is a more elegant way
of doing this but I couldn't get expand.grid to work for me in this
df1 <- cbind(df, group = rep("Employees", 254))
df2 <- cbind(df, group = rep("STVs", 254))
df3 <- cbind(df, group = rep("LIPs", 254)) # make one long table with
each nhsn/provider listed 3 times, once for each personnel group
df4 <- rbind(df1, df2, df3)
# create random data for body of table
df.body <- data.frame(d = sample(c(0:100,NA), 762, replace = TRUE),
vaccinated_value = sample(c(0:100,NA), 762, replace = TRUE),
vaccinated_pct = sample(c(0:100,NA), 762, replace = TRUE),
contraindicated_value = sample(c(0:100,NA), 762, replace = TRUE),
contraindicated_pct = sample(c(0:100,NA), 762, replace = TRUE),
declined_value = sample(c(0:100,NA), 762, replace = TRUE),
declined_pct = sample(c(0:100,NA), 762, replace = TRUE), unknown_value
= sample(c(0:100,NA), 762, replace = TRUE), unknown_pct =
sample(c(0:100,NA), 762, replace = TRUE)) # add random data from body
to row headers
df5 <- cbind(df4, df.body)
# order rows by nhsn/provider
df5 <- df5[order(df5$NHSN),]

df5[is.na(df5)] <- "."

df5 <- head(df5, 60)

df5$nameNHSN <- paste(df5$providerName, ' (', df5$NHSN, ')', sep = '')

colnames <- c("Group","Total",rep(c("n","pct"),4))

cgroup = data.frame(colGroupNames =
c("","","Vaccinated","Contraindicated","Declined","Unknown"), colSpecs
= c(1,1,2,2,2,2))

rgroup = data.frame(rowGroupNames = unique(df5$nameNHSN), rowSpecs =
rep(3, length(df5$nameNHSN)/3))

df5Styles <- tableStyles(df5[,3:12], header = colnames, rgroup =
rgroup, cgroup = cgroup, useRowNames = FALSE)

df5Styles$cgroupCell <-

df5Styles$cell[seq(3,length(df5Styles$cell[,1]),3),] <-
rep("lowerBorder", length(df5Styles$cell[1,]))

df5Styles$rgroupCell <- rep("lowerBorder", length(df5Styles$rgroupCell))

odfTable(df5[,3:12], styles = df5Styles, colnames = colnames,
useRowNames = FALSE, rgroup = rgroup, cgroup=cgroup)


> odfWeave("~/test.odt","~/test_out.odt")
  Creating  /var/folders/yc/bd663fhj6_bclc7mp0mqlvl80000gn/T//Rtmpn9zzx6/odfWeave24125717262
  Copying  ~/test.odt
  Setting wd to
  Unzipping ODF file using unzip -o test.odt
Archive:  test.odt
 extracting: mimetype
 extracting: meta.xml
  inflating: settings.xml
  inflating: content.xml
 extracting: Thumbnails/thumbnail.png
  inflating: manifest.rdf
   creating: Configurations2/popupmenu/
   creating: Configurations2/images/Bitmaps/
   creating: Configurations2/toolpanel/
   creating: Configurations2/statusbar/
   creating: Configurations2/toolbar/
   creating: Configurations2/progressbar/
   creating: Configurations2/menubar/
   creating: Configurations2/floater/
  inflating: Configurations2/accelerator/current.xml
  inflating: styles.xml
  inflating: META-INF/manifest.xml

  Removing  test.odt
  Creating a Pictures directory

  Pre-processing the contents
  Sweaving  content.Rnw

  Writing to file content_1.xml
  Processing code chunks ...
    1 : term xml(label=table)

  'content_1.xml' has been Sweaved

  Removing content.xml

  Post-processing the contents

--- and here it sits for 10 or more minutes ---



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