[R-sig-Epi] New verions of the Epi package

BXC (Bendix Carstensen) bxc at steno.dk
Sun Feb 1 17:04:25 CET 2009

Since 1.0.7, the pervious version on CRAN, the following changes has appeared:

Changes in 1.0.10

o Fixed parse errors in documentation.

Changes in 1.0.9

o Thanks to Mike Murphy, Professor of Demography, Department of Social Policy,
  London School of Economics, a bug causing a crash of apc.fit if only
  one row in the model matrix correponds to the reference level.

o Also thanks to Mike Murphy, a much more efficient calculation of
  median period and cohort is now used.

o apc.fit expanded with an argument allowing logistic regression model
  instead of a Poisson model only.

Changes in 1.0.8

o tab.Lexis removed and replaced by summary.Lexis which gives a better
  summary of the transitions and transition rates.

o A bug in ci.pd (confidence interval for probability difference) has
  been fixed.

Best regards,
Bendix Carstensen
Package maintainer

Bendix Carstensen 
Senior Statistician
Steno Diabetes Center
Niels Steensens Vej 2-4
DK-2820 Gentofte
+45 44 43 87 38 (direct)
+45 30 75 87 38 (mobile)
bxc at steno.dk   http://www.biostat.ku.dk/~bxc

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