[R-sig-eco] adehabitatLT help

Riana Gardiner riana.gardiner at utas.edu.au
Fri Oct 6 17:51:11 CEST 2017

To who can help,

Im currently using adehabitatLT package to analyse trajectories of small rat kangaroos at three sites. I programmed their collars to take fixes every 15mins at night between 1800 and 0600, after this they tend to nest up for the night, and to save battery the collar turns off after 6am. I managed to make regular trajectories and each night a burst and now Im a bit stuck and not too sure where to go from here to analyse.
I am currently stuck as to how do you analyse trajectories if you don't have data for the daytime? Do you create points to fill in those gaps? And to visualise trajectories it seems you do this a trajectory at a time, is there any way you can visualise this an individual animal at a time? Then use that as a data frame?

Apologies for all the questions, Im a bit of a novice at this

Best wishes,


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