[R-sig-eco] graphs in corner of the pane, Windows 10 is the difference

Michael Marsh swamp at blarg.net
Fri May 5 17:00:50 CEST 2017

Clustering with mvpart and rpartpca, graphs fill the pane normally in 
Windows 7 as copied into Word 7, But with the same script and datasets, 
they only occupy the upper left-hand quarter of the pane in Windows 10 
on  SURFACE BOOK, again, as copied into a Word 7 document.
when I test graphic parameters on either computer, following suggestions 
by another reader, I get:
 > par("mfrow")
[1] 1 1
 > par("plt")
[1] 0.1455083 0.8544917 0.2342400 0.8425600
I would like to re-set the  graphics output in my Windows 10 computer so 
that I getgraphs that fill the graphics pane in Word 7.

Mike Marsh

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