[R-sig-eco] mixed models for soil erosion analyses

MANUEL ESTEBAN LUCAS BORJA ManuelEsteban.Lucas at uclm.es
Mon Apr 10 20:47:00 CEST 2017

Dear all, 

I am starting using R (no very familiar for the moment) and I want to statistically study a soil erosion experiment (Please see enclosed the dataset).

The experiment was developed in two forested areas, one mainly composed by pinus and the other by quercus. Inside each forested area four sediment fenced and runoff tanks were set up. So, two sites and four sediment fences/runoff tanks by site. 

I wonder which is the best way to analyse the data and how to make it using R. As far as I know, I think mixed model should be the best way to use, with species as fixed factor, sediment fenced or runoff tank and rainy event as random effects. Also I should consider the interaction species x rainy event. I guess neither General linear models or generalized linear models nor ANOVA/MANOVA are appropriate. 

I would be very grateful with you if you could share you know with me about which approach to use and how to do it using R. 

Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation. 



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