[R-sig-eco] Reading attribute from high resolution raster using low resolution raster as boundary

Andre Rovai asrovai at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 21:54:44 CEST 2017

Dear friends,

I have 2 raster files, one with very high resolution (each degree-cell is
30x30m) and the other with coarser resolution (0.25 degree-cells).

The high resolution raster has info on forest cover area.  The low
resolution raster has info on species abundance.  My end goal is to
determine abundance per area.  That entails determining the forest cover
area (high res raster) within each one of low res raster degree-cells.

Is it possible to overlay both rasters and retrieve the area atribute from
high res raster for each one the degree-cells in the low res raster?  I
guess another way to do it it would be to determine the number of
degree-cells from the high resolution raster that lie within each one of
the degree-ceils from the coarser resolution raster?

Any help is much appreciated.  I have been stuck with this for a couple of



*Andre Rovai, Ph.D.*
Research Associate V
Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Energy, Coast, and Environment Bldg., Room 3201
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: 225 578 6422 <(225)%20578-6422>
Cell: 225 439 5559 <(225)%20439-5559>
Email: arovai1 at lsu.edu
           asrovai at gmail.com

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