[R-sig-eco] predict community by community and environment

LeBrun, Erick Erick_LeBrun at baylor.edu
Tue Oct 18 16:54:18 CEST 2016

Hello Franz,

One possibility would be to do ordinations (preferably NMDS) and then do a Procrustes analysis. It is touted to be potentially more sensitive than a mantel test and using the protest command, you can get a correlation statistic and significance associated with the two datasets. The simplified explanation is that it scales and rotates the ordinations to the best fit possible. You can also view error plots that show you “movement” of the points in ordination space that can show trends or differences.

Best regards,

Erick LeBrun
PhD Student, Department of Biology
Kang Microbial Ecology Laboratory
Erick_LeBrun at baylor.edu

On 10/18/16, 8:35 AM, "R-sig-ecology on behalf of mailbox Franz" <r-sig-ecology-bounces at r-project.org on behalf of f.krah at mailbox.org> wrote:

    Hi all,
    I am searching for a method to test weather a community is better predicted by an other community or by the environment in a mantel-test like framework?
    Any help would be appreciated. Platform preferably R. 
    All the best,
    R-sig-ecology mailing list
    R-sig-ecology at r-project.org

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