[R-sig-eco] running adonis with continuous dependent and independent variables

Trevor Gearhart gearhart.trevor at gmail.com
Sat May 7 17:25:46 CEST 2016

HI Everyone,

   I have been reading forums and the Vegan info, and I feel like I am
still unsure if it is correct to run adonis on data sets that consist only
of continuous variables without specific class groupings, I read that
adonis could be used for this sort of application and it would end up
looking at the euclidean distances as a sort of r-squared regression.
However I am having trouble finding actual documentation that this is an
appropriate use of adonis. I know I can run adonis on this sort of data but
wanted to make sure that I am understanding the outputs, and that this is a
viable option.

  Thank you

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