[R-sig-eco] Model for Preference analysis

Evan Palmer-Young epalmery at cns.umass.edu
Thu Mar 24 14:37:23 CET 2016

Would greatly appreciate help with this. Hope it is not a duplicate-- my
first email to the list appeared to bounce back.

Dear Colleagues,
I am trying to analyze an experiment comparing consumption of 2 food types
in a choice-type design. Subjects were offered a choice of 2 food types,
and their daily consumption of each food type was recorded. Each subject
also was assigned to one of 2 Infection treatments.
We want to know-- "
*How does infection affect preference for one food type over another?*

I am wondering if it is acceptable to model this like a repeated measures
design, with 2 observations per subject and timepoint-- one for each food
type. Or is that not acceptable because the 2 food types were given at the
same time?

I attached my actual data and script, and also paste a code to generate a
random data set, to show the general data structure.

####choice analysis for list###
                          "Sting", "Buzz", "Bumble"))

Df$Consumption.Food.A<-rnorm(n=length(Df$Time),mean=30, sd=6)
Df$Consumption.Food.B<-rnorm(n=length(Df$Time),mean=25, sd=8)

##Analysis with consumption of other food type as covariate
ModelA<-lmer(Consumption.Food.A~ Time + Infection + Consumption.Food.B +
ModelB<-lmer(Consumption.Food.B~ Time + Infection + Consumption.Food.A +
             (1|Subject), data=Df)

#option to convert data to long format
Df_long<-gather(data=Df, key=Foodtype, value=Amt.eaten,
#Is this model legal, because both foods offered simulateneously
Fullmodel<-lmer(Amt.eaten ~ Foodtype * Infection + Time +
                  (1|Subject) + (1|Time), data=Df_long)

(Originally I was planning to model proportions of the 2 food types eaten,
but there a lot of values close to zero that could make the proportion
estimates highly variable. And the proportional analysis would not account
for the strong trends of decreasing with (a) time and (b) infection

Thanks very much for your advice!

Department of Biology
221 Morrill Science Center
611 North Pleasant St
Amherst MA 01003

Department of Biology
221 Morrill Science Center
611 North Pleasant St
Amherst MA 01003

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