[R-sig-eco] manova repeated measures + Error

Marina Vergara Fagundes marvefa at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 16:58:55 CET 2015

Dear all,

I conducted a interaction plant experiment, with 20 adult plant species (5
individuals each) and 3 seedling species, and a 100 plots in total. Each
plot consist of two 2m² quadrants, the first contains one adult individual
as a potential “nurse” and 3 seedling species below their canopy, and the
second  just with 3 seedling species with no canopy influence  (in an open
I measured growth variables of the seedlings (leaves number and height)
over 8 weaks (times).
For each growth variable I calculated a index (rii) with the difference of
growth below and far from canopy.

I'm analyzing this data with MANOVA with repeated measures. Where Y axes
are the index of growth measurements (for leafs and height), and the X axes
are the 20 nurse species and interactions with seedlings species and time.

This is how my data frame is organized:
plot   nurse  target    time    height_rii      leaves_rii
113 algodao  angico     1    0.03703704  0.00000000
113 algodao  aroeira     2    0.05660377  0.09090909
113 algodao  cating      3    0.03846154  0.00000000
115 algodao  angico     1    0.01818182  0.11111111
115 algodao  aroeira     2    0.05660377  0.50000000
115 algodao  cating      3    0.03703704  0.00000000

This is the code for the MANOVA:
Y <- with(tabela3, cbind(altura_rii, folhas_rii))
m1 <- manova( Y ~ nurse*target*time+Error(tempo/plot),data=tabela3)

When i ask for anova table i got this specific message:

*Error: timeNo error degrees of freedom      Dftempo  7*Error: time:plot
               Df  Pillai approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)
nurse        19 0.17070  3.14316     38   1280 8.633e-10 ***
nurse:time 133 0.24253  0.66405    266   1280         1
Residuals   640
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Error: Within
                       Df   Pillai approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)
target                2 0.013439   4.3297      4   2560  0.001715 **
nurse:target         38 0.178898   3.3090     76   2560 < 2.2e-16 ***
target:time         14 0.027914   1.2941     28   2560  0.138459
nurse:target:time  266 0.174314   0.4594    532   2560  1.000000
Residuals          1280
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Any idea what is it about?
Thanks a lot for help!

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