[R-sig-eco] Edit plot adehabitatHS

basille.web at ase-research.org basille.web at ase-research.org
Thu Apr 23 16:49:47 CEST 2015

Hi Luis,

Late answer, but may still be useful. The function used in your case is 
plot.wi, you can see the code that it actually uses by simply typing the 
name of the function in R.

If you look at the help page, you will see that there is a list of graphic 
parameters that you can adjust ('caxis', 'clab', 'ylog', 'errbar'), and 
there's the magic '...' argument that is passed to 'plot'. But you won't be 
able to change much with it, since all calls to 'plot' involve a 'type = 
"n"' argument, which means nothing is plotted (yet)!

I'm afraid the only reasonable solution that you have is to actually *edit* 
the function! You could write a 'plotwi' function that uses the code of 
'plot.wi' with your modifications to tweak the plots the way you wish.

Hope this helps,

Le 30/03/2015 00:06, Luis Fernando García a écrit :
> Dear R experts,
> I am making a selectivity analysis using the  package. Nevertheless, I am
> having some troubles, and I would like to know if somebody know how to help
> me:
> 1) When changing the x-axis labels. The programm uses the name habitat
> instead of the names specified in the file.
> 2) Is it possible to edit this plot, #3 (bottom-left), for example is it
> possible to change the symbols style, the legend position or size? I do not
> know how to edit this kind of data, if somebody has an example using this
> package, I would really appreaciate it.
> Thanks!!
> Please find attached the plot, the script and the respective plot
> library(adehabitatHS)
> pse<-read.table("pseudos.txt", header=T)
> attach(pse)
> names(pse)
> head(pse)
> (wiRatio <- widesI(Diet, Dis))
> png(filename = "plotpseudos3.png", width = 500, height = 500)
> opar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
> plot(wiRatio)
> par(opar)
> dev.off()
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Et je manque de temps, et je manque d'audace. »
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