[R-sig-eco] multipart

Sarah Goslee sarah.goslee at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 17:11:11 CEST 2015

Please provide a reproducible example including sample data and the
code you've already tried.

Without a reproducible example that includes some sample data (fake is
fine), the code you used, and some clear idea of what output you
expect, it's impossible to figure out how to help you. Here are some
suggestions for creating a good reproducible example:


On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 11:04 AM, Merdas Saifi <saifieco at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to perform Multiplicative Diversity Partitioning with
> multipart function in R, i've 30 transects with frequency or presence
> absence data, 15 of them are grazed and 15 are protected, each 03
> transects forms a site, so i want to analyse beta diversity at
> multiple spatial scales to quantify among-transects and among-sites.
> Many thanks,
> Saifi

Sarah Goslee

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