[R-sig-eco] Nested factors in GLMER

Thomas Möckel thomas.mockel at nateko.lu.se
Mon Jun 30 11:33:51 CEST 2014

Dear list members,

I have species composition and abundance data of 17 plots sampled in two 
different years. From the first year to the second a general decrease in 
Ca-content and pH occurred in the area.
For each plot and year I also have two explanatory variables (Ca-content 
and pH).

My response variable is species richness (count data). I want to test if 
species richness is related to Ca-content and pH and if there is
a difference between the two years.

As I understand it should be a generalized linear mixed effect model 
with Poisson error distribution.
What I am not sure about is how to build the random term. Each plot is 
sampled twice which means that plots are pseudo-replicates.
Should the random term consist of plot within year or year within plot?

glmer(species richness ~ Ca +(year|plot), family=poisson, data=data)


glmer(species richness ~ Ca +(plot|year), family=poisson, data=data)

Also, if I include "year" in the random term,
how can I see if there is a difference between years and test the 
strength of that difference?

Thank you very much for your help!

Thomas Möckel, PhD student

Department of Earth and Ecosystem Science
Lund University
Sölvegatan 12
SE-223 62 Lund

Tel:+46 (0)46 - 222 4887
E-mail: Thomas.Mockel at nateko.lu.se

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