[R-sig-eco] R-sig-eco] How to label arrows in Ordiplot 3d graphs

Sonja Fagervold sonja.fagervold at obs-banyuls.fr
Wed Dec 3 14:05:39 CET 2014

I  have a similar question, but I could not find the text Gavin Simpson was referring to.

I have done RDA and CCA plots earlier, using vegan (and Rstudio). However, it seems like something has changed when I updated the versions. The same script I used before now gives me RDA or CCA with arrow, BUT NO LABELS ON THE ARROWS. very strange 

PLEASE help! I have tried and tried but obviously my R knowledge is not good enough. It probably something obvious, but I cannot see it.

rdares = rda(spec ~ Water_temp + Mg + COT, chem, na.action = na.omit)
#the chem1 file I unly use to color the points, the environmental data is in "chem" file
chem1<-read.csv("Names.csv", header=T)
plot(rdares, display = c ("sites", "bp"), cex=0.3)
points(rdares, display = "sites", col = chem1$Season, pch = 16, cex=1.7)
text(rdares, dis = "bp", col = chem1, cex=0.3)

Best Regards, Sonja

Sonja K. Fagervold, Researcher
Observatoire Océanologique 
Laboratoire de Biodiversité et Biotechnologies Microbiennes-LBBM
66650 Banyuls-sur-Mer- France

Sonja K. Fagervold, Researcher
Observatoire Océanologique 
Laboratoire de Biodiversité et Biotechnologies Microbiennes-LBBM
66650 Banyuls-sur-Mer- France
Tel: +33 (0) 4 30 19 24 03

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