[R-sig-eco] Data Frame Structure for vegdist()

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Thu Nov 7 21:38:35 CET 2013

   I have data frames on which I want to calculate the default Bray-Curtis
dissimilarity matrix using vegdist() in the vegan package. The data are
proportions of individuals in each of 5 categories with the first column as
the collection date. One such data frame is:

     sampdate filter gather  graze predate  shred
1 2004-06-17 0.0093 0.8881 0.0295  0.0685 0.0046
2 2005-07-18 0.0149 0.8402 0.0951  0.0467 0.0030
3 2006-06-29 0.0217 0.7538 0.1185  0.1006 0.0055
4 2011-07-14 0.0241 0.8408 0.0645  0.0625 0.0081
5 2012-07-10 0.0114 0.4877 0.0256  0.2936 0.1818

   Am I correct in assuming that I need to remove the sampdate column?


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