[R-sig-eco] R: GLM

Enrico Caprio enrico.caprio at gmail.com
Thu Mar 7 17:06:56 CET 2013

Hi Mahnaz,
First of all check whether you're using the right family error
distribution according to tour respinse varia le. If you use team
abundancea from counts you need to specify "family = poisson" in your

Then AIC is used to select the best from a set of candidate models, it
is not useful to describe how well a model fits the data in an absolute

Hope it helps.
Best regards


Inviata dal mio Dispositivo Mobile
Da: Mahnaz Rabbaniha
Inviato: 07/03/2013 16:25
A: r-sig-ecology
Oggetto: [R-sig-eco] GLM
Dear all

I want to find regression between fish larva abundance and some
abiotic factor ,i used this code:

glm(formula = mychto ~ po4 + No3 + Si + Tn)

Deviance Residuals:
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max
-26.586  -18.262  -12.296   -2.949  226.229

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  67.4211    73.9781   0.911    0.371
po4          -0.2887     1.6037  -0.180    0.859
No3           0.9151     4.5261   0.202    0.841
Si           -0.1145     0.4850  -0.236    0.815
Tn           -1.1568     4.4818  -0.258    0.798

(Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 2444.917)

    Null deviance: 63156  on 29  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 61123  on 25  degrees of freedom
AIC: 325.72

my question is about the acceptable this AIC, or this result with
goodness of fit?


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